
Showing posts from September, 2015


I know someone who creates a drama out everything that doesn’t go her way. She thrives on creating ‘a scene’ and doesn’t stop until someone is paying full attention to her, and only her needs. Maybe you know someone just like her? At work or in your personal life. I’ve witnessed this person leave others utterly speechless with their emotional explosions, and sometimes it’s not noise and mayhem she creates, she can change the mood of a room, and even a party, with her coldness and silence. Remove them from my life? No, I love them; it’s only a behavior I don’t like. They do have some wonderful other qualities. When someone is continually sucking you into their life drama, how can you stay apart from it and still be there for them? How can you care and not allow someone else’s drama to become yours? How can you create a safe relationship where both sides are equal, even if one person doesn’t think the needs of the other are important? Can we? Here are some thoughts:

Some Key Factors about People who are Dramatic

Dramatic personality type Basic Desire/ Pleasure:  attention Basic Fear/ Distress:  being ignored Basic Passions of the Types Feelings . Dramatic men and women live in an emotional world. They are sensation oriented, emotionally demonstrative, and physically affectionate, They react emotionally to events and can shift quickly from mood to mood. Color . They experience life vividly and expansively. They have rich imaginations, they tell entertaining stories, and they are drawn to romance and melodrama. Attention . Dramatic people like to be seen and noticed. They are often the center of attention, and they rise to the occasion when all eyes are on them. Appearance . They pay a lot of attention to grooming, and they enjoy clothes, style, and fashion. Sexual attraction . In appearance and behavior, Dramatic individuals enjoy their sexuality. They are seductive, engaging, charming tempters and temptresses. Engagement . Easily putting the

Powerful You

Are you stuck in between the proverbial "rock and a hard place"?   (That was a rhetorical question)  Remember that the power that was in Moses when he parted the Red Sea also lives in you. Allow your mind to be fed with spirituality, and your life will become meaningful, deep and exciting.   Take the question posed for example an answer it in relation to real circumstances in your life at this time now. Put into use lesson learned from the Spirit and watch it work wonders giving you the unheard answers you seek.   No man can be fed with plant and animal food alone.

Miracle Money

Power of Attorney and Your Responsibilities Managing your finances can be hard—and handling the finances of a friend or relative can be even harder. In order to make decisions about another person's finances or property, you need to have the legal authority to do so. If you've been given a  power of attorney , learn more about what your legal duties are, and how to protect yourself and others from fraud.

Eat More and Weigh Less

Sounds like a contradiction, but it’s possible You don’t need to sacrifice taste or leave a meal hungry to eat well. Here are a few ways you can enjoy dishes and beverages that will leave you satisfied - without consuming lots of calories: Reduce your calorie intake by replacing higher-calorie ingredients; for example: drink fat-free or non-fat milk instead of whole milk Eat lean meats (fish and poultry such as boneless, skinless chicken) Drink more water, sparkling water or unsweetened iced tea Find  more tips and recipes  for healthy eating.

Web of Deceit

Today is a fresh day, a day full of all sorts of inaccuracies.  I feel like I’m becoming caught in a net of tangled lies and deceptions.  I’m trying to figure out the truth by calling on my guides to direct me. I don’t hear or see them.  I look towards my astrological horoscope for some direction.  Why is my gut not telling me the truth?  What do I need to know? Please tell me something! I need some straight answers now.  My gut is saying forget about it, do you, think of yourself but I find that difficult to accomplish without guilt. I crave and need clarity but can’t find it.  Please someone help me. Help me to figure out what’s the next move.  I call on my trusted sources but they have no specific answers.  They give me support and a shoulder to lean on but I’m still bewildered moving to the next step with caution but with fear and anguish. I feel alone in this, no one is at my side. How do I say what I feel?  How do I reveal my insecurities without looking simple and small?

HOW TO BREAK UP WITH SOMEONE (without being awful)

Ugh, breaking up is so hard, right?! The yelling, the crying, the splitting up of your possessions, deciding who gets the dog -- double ugh! Sometimes it’s just better to skip the whole thing and let the relationship fade away, right? Wrong! Double wrong! If you’re anything like me and have always had to fight women off with a stick that has a dagger taped on the end, you’ll know that ending a relationship doesn’t get any easier the longer you put it off. On the other hand, with the incredible change in technology that has occurred over the last 20 years, avoiding the breakup has gotten immensely easier. Why text your angry significant other back when you can just put your phone down and claim you never saw the text in the first place? Because bad habits are doomed to spread like scabies unless you crush them at their source, we culled the master advice of psychotherapist and relationship expert Dr. Wendy Walsh to teach you how to break up like a champ. Don’t ghost This met

Miracle of Employment

DCAS EXAM SCHEDULE – SEPTEMBER 2015 The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) is accepting applications for the following civil service exams. So don't delay, apply today! TITLE OF EXAM EXAM NO. FILING PERIOD FILING FEE HOW TO APPLY City Planning Technician 6005 9/02/15 – 9/22/15 $47.00 Online CUNY Office Assistant 6058 9/2/2015 – 9/30/15 $40.00 Online Emergency Medical Specialist – EMT (FIRE) 6003 9/2/2015 – 9/22/15 $47.00 Online Emergency Medical Specialist – Paramedic (FIRE) 6004 9/2/2015 – 9/22/15 $61.00 Online Heating Plant Technician (Housing Authority) 6006 9/2/2015 – 9/22/15 $40.00 Online Investigator 6007 9/2/2015 – 9/22/15 $54.00 Online Supervisor of Stock Workers 6008 9/2/2015 – 9/22/15 $54.00 Online Emergency Medical Specialist – Paramedic  (FIRE) (PROM) 6503 9/2/2015 – 9/22/15 $61.00 Online Heating Plant Technician (Housing Authority) (PROM) 6506

State of Confusion

What a sporadic condition to be in. I’m being pulled this way because of circumstances and then the complete other way because of another set of factors, all simultaneously. I need some clarity, some direction because my gauges are all messed up. Spinning out of control, like a pilot in free fall. Left and right, up and down which way do I go to avoid a blunder. Is it even possible at this point? Has my state of mind already taken me too far?  What to do when my intuition isn’t leading me anymore?  Do I rely on a companion to direct me? Maybe I should do what others have done? How about a palm reader? I know! Rely on my faith in Jesus. Rely on the fact that I am a good person and I am not malicious or vindictive in motivation.  Rely on the option that I choose to guide my actions through love. Maybe then I can get it right until this thick fog dissipates.

Miracle Growth

STUDY SAYS THIS IS THE AGE WHEN YOU'RE REALLY AN ADULT BY  LUCY MEILUS   @lucymeilus 53416   SHARE ON FACEBOOK SHUTTERSTOCK Are you of a reasonable age but still feel like you don't have any of your shit together? Don't worry, you're not alone -- new research shows that most people don't feel like they're actually "grown up" until they're 29 years-old. The study comes out of Beagle Street life insurance, and was commissioned by UK firm Fly Research. The companies interviewed 2,000 Brits ages 18 and above, and almost all agreed that 29 is the most "adult"-feeling age. Participants were also asked what significant signs or events made them feel grown up. 64% said buying a home was the biggest sign of adulthood, followed by having a baby, and getting married. As for what keeps them feeling like kids, 42% of participants said relying on their parents was the largest factor preventing them from fee

Miracle Money

Is Damaged Money No Good? Submit a Mutilated Currency Claim and Get Your Money's Worth Currency can be damaged in many ways, whether it’s by fire, water, chemicals, animals or simple deterioration. Mutilated currency includes any type of damage that makes its value questionable. Did you know that the U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Engraving and Printing examines and redeems mutilated currency at no cost to you? If you have damaged currency that you inherited or found in your backyard, don’t throw it away - you could be losing money! Learn more about  mutilated currency and how to submit a claim . Keep in mind that the standard wait time for processing is 6 to 36 months. 

The Miracle Meaning of Life

Its significance, origin, purpose, and ultimate fate is a central concept and question in  philosophy  and  religion . Both philosophy and religion have offered interpretations as to how life relates to  existence  and  consciousness , and on related issues such as  life stance , purpose,  conception of a god or gods , a  soul  or an  afterlife . Different cultures throughout history have had widely varying approaches to these issues.  What does Life mean to you?  Is it the ability to breathe? To think? to affect another living thing?  Does life have to be organic ? or can it be metaphysical as well.  is a machine alive if it can think? or does it need a heart 1st? The human fetus, many have argued over when and at what stage is it considered to be alive, What is the distinction for you? Is Bacteria alive? or just living? Microscopic organisms?  How about wind that rustles leaves or the waves from the ocean, do you consider that to be alive? and when something alive dies does it al

Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire

Are You a    Morning - or Evening    Person? All of us are affected by our  sleep-wake cycle and an internal circadian biological clock. When are you most creative—morning or evening? Not sure? The Ostberg Morningness–Eveningness questionnaire may help you find out. Although not consistently validated by research, it may yield insights to help you decide when to do creative work, achieve better sleep, exercise, and establish work habits that fit your biological situation. Check out this fun, automated scoring questionnaire at Choose the circadian rhythm assessment and get a detailed, personalized report at the end. click Link Below and take the test