Web of Deceit

Today is a fresh day, a day full of all sorts of inaccuracies.  I feel like I’m becoming caught in a net of tangled lies and deceptions.  I’m trying to figure out the truth by calling on my guides to direct me. I don’t hear or see them.  I look towards my astrological horoscope for some direction.  Why is my gut not telling me the truth?  What do I need to know? Please tell me something! I need some straight answers now.  My gut is saying forget about it, do you, think of yourself but I find that difficult to accomplish without guilt.

I crave and need clarity but can’t find it.  Please someone help me. Help me to figure out what’s the next move.  I call on my trusted sources but they have no specific answers.  They give me support and a shoulder to lean on but I’m still bewildered moving to the next step with caution but with fear and anguish. I feel alone in this, no one is at my side. How do I say what I feel?  How do I reveal my insecurities without looking simple and small?  I struggle and grasp for something tangible but I don’t spot it, can’t find it, I am lost for the moment.

The possibilities of lies are consuming me. Its glue is taking control of my psychic and soul molding it and meshing it into a burdensome structure. Creating an atmosphere of uncertainty that alarms me and causes me to lightly sob. I yearn for a new way, a path out so I rest and pray. I hope for a better day anyway.


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