Healthy In Love Part 1

In our innermost being, we are all completely lovable because the spirit is love. Beyond what anyone can make you think or feel about yourself, your unconditioned spirit stands, shining with a love nothing can tarnish.

We all have the innate need to love and be loved. When we are born we enter the world with pure expectation of unconditional love.

Sadly this is not the experience most people get.  Early in life, we learn that love can be withheld from us, whether well intentioned or not, by those who are closest to us.

We become exposed to the concept of bargaining to receive love and give love. People, often unknowingly let pain from their past dictate their approach to love.  They erect barriers or use love as a reward and take it away as punishment. Such behaviors cause us to believe that in order to receive love, we must act a certain way or provide certain things.

Equally important, when we have those damaging experiences consistently where love is used to harm, we begin to question whether or not we are actually worthy of being loved. The answers to that question is often provided by others who are even more damaged than the person inquiring.

Because of those hurts and wounds, over time we can come to believe we are flawed and that those flaws are the reason why we are not worthy of love.  We start to judge ourselves by our own perceived flaws, withholding  unconditional self love.

This develops a feeling of being incomplete and worsens with time. No wonder this world has become so hateful and mean spirited.  Many of us carry our pain from our past and have anxiety about the future. These two destructive forces operating simultaneously on ones true spirit, leaves hardly any room for your true loving nature to shine and develop into a commanding presence in our lives.



hotteyce said…
It's always great to express than to always repress..and this expression has been expressed!! Keep up the greatness
Unknown said…
THank you Hotteyce.

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