The Miracle Meaning of Life

Its significance, origin, purpose, and ultimate fate is a central concept and question in philosophy and religion. Both philosophy and religion have offered interpretations as to how life relates to existence and consciousness, and on related issues such as life stance, purpose, conception of a god or gods, a soul or an afterlife. Different cultures throughout history have had widely varying approaches to these issues. 

What does Life mean to you?  Is it the ability to breathe? To think? to affect another living thing?  Does life have to be organic ? or can it be metaphysical as well.  is a machine alive if it can think? or does it need a heart 1st? The human fetus, many have argued over when and at what stage is it considered to be alive, What is the distinction for you?

Is Bacteria alive? or just living? Microscopic organisms?  How about wind that rustles leaves or the waves from the ocean, do you consider that to be alive? and when something alive dies does it all go on to an afterlife as everything else alive?  Everyone has their own viewpoints based on teachings, and beliefs passed on through generations handed down through time, but who is right and wrong? Is there even a right and wrong? 

Maybe Life begins once something living gives energy to something that has none of its own. Are not we as creators  instrumental in the process of life and if we are shouldn't we take that role seriously with great care and concern? Should we not learn all we can about every form of life and cherish it and safeguard it?

I relate to every aspect of life in my own life and life is how I find the Miracles that Move Me.  What do you do?  How does Life move you?


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