Some Key Factors about People who are Dramatic

Dramatic personality type

Basic Desire/ Pleasure: attention
Basic Fear/ Distress: being ignored

Feelings. Dramatic men and women live in an emotional world. They are sensation oriented, emotionally demonstrative, and physically affectionate, They react emotionally to events and can shift quickly from mood to mood.

Color. They experience life vividly and expansively. They have rich imaginations, they tell entertaining stories, and they are drawn to romance and melodrama.

Attention. Dramatic people like to be seen and noticed. They are often the center of attention, and they rise to the occasion when all eyes are on them.

Appearance. They pay a lot of attention to grooming, and they enjoy clothes, style, and fashion.

Sexual attraction. In appearance and behavior, Dramatic individuals enjoy their sexuality. They are seductive, engaging, charming tempters and temptresses.

Engagement. Easily putting their trust in others, they are able to become quickly involved in relationships.

The spirit is willing. People with Dramatic personality style eagerly respond to new ideas and suggestions from others.

Source: Oldham, John M., and Lois B. Morris. The New Personality Self-Portrait: Why You Think, Work, Love, and Act the Way You Do. Rev. ed. New York: Bantam, 1995.



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