Miracle Growth


Are you of a reasonable age but still feel like you don't have any of your shit together? Don't worry, you're not alone -- new research shows that most people don't feel like they're actually "grown up" until they're 29 years-old.
The study comes out of Beagle Street life insurance, and was commissioned by UK firm Fly Research. The companies interviewed 2,000 Brits ages 18 and above, and almost all agreed that 29 is the most "adult"-feeling age.
Participants were also asked what significant signs or events made them feel grown up. 64% said buying a home was the biggest sign of adulthood, followed by having a baby, and getting married. As for what keeps them feeling like kids, 42% of participants said relying on their parents was the largest factor preventing them from feeling like adults, followed by living at home (which is basically the same thing), and playing computer games.
People are waiting longer and longer to move out of their family homes, get married, and have kids, and "this is having a knock-on effect to how old and ‘grown up’ people actually perceive themselves to be, which suggests that the old adage of age being but a number is factually true," says sociologist Dr. Frank Furedi from the University of Kent.
Check out the full list of "signs" below, and don't fret: if you're over 29 and still don't feel like an adult, it doesn't mean all hope is lost for you (just like, some, you know?).
Top 10 things that make people feel like an adult: 
10. Having a joint bank account (17%)
9. Hosting dinner parties (18%)
8. Doing DIY (18%)
7. Looking forward to a night in (21%)
6. Taking out life insurance (21%)
5. Becoming house proud (22%)
4. Paying into a pension (29%)
3. Getting married (52%)
2. Becoming a parent (63%)
1. Buying your first home (64%)
Top 10 reasons for still feeling like a kid: 
10. A lack of real life education (19%)
9. Idolizing young role models (20%)
8. Desire to travel and see the world (20%)
7. Not wanting a real or a 9-5 job (22%)
6. Fear of growing up and taking responsibility (28%)
5. Watching cartoons (29%)
4. Watching children’s movies like Inside Out or Frozen (30%)
3. Playing computer games (31%)
2. Living at home longer (36%)
1. Relying on parents (42%)


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