
Showing posts from December, 2015

Pep Talk

I rise early this morning.  Gleams of sunlight breaks through my blinds, slices past my curtains to the wood floor.  Shortly after it creeps up the side of my bed facing east, and begins to encroach across my sleeping eyes. My initial reaction is to squeeze my lids tighter and pull the covers over my face, however instead I open them gently and know that God is here with me. Right at that very moment, the creator is on my bedside looking at me ever so dearly and loving.  I am his and he is mine. I am his child forged in his beauty and his flaws.  I wake and stretch out my arms wide engulfing the air surrounding me.  I know this is going to be a good day.   Every move I make has a designated purpose and I succeed at each objective.  Nothing can go wrong I believe.  My faith is strong and rising.  I exit my domain and smile at each individual I pass in my certain stride.  Some return the gesture, others don’t recognize the power they can so easily absorb.   I say Go

Signs of A Strong Personality

When people encounter someone with a strong personality, they don’t understand the kind of person they are dealing with. Some people think you dominate. Some just think you are rude. But none of these are the truth. These words actually do not reflect your personality at all. In fact, strong people are often kittens on the inside. It’s just that people with domineering personalities just give you a bad rep. Strong people do not have to win, they just are not willing to let other people walk all over them on the outside. Sure, some people might be afraid of you. But that is only because they do not understand how you can be so comfortable with yourself that you do not need anyone else to validate you. Here are eight signs that you have a strong personality that might scare some people. You Don’t Put Up With Excuses Strong personalities do not put up with excuses. When you have a strong personality, you’re not willing to listen to people waste time whining about w

NYC Housing Shortage Answer or Not?

Click Link below for short video clip of NYC 1st Mirco Unit in Manhattan. What do you think? Can These Micro-Units Fix New York City's Housing Problems? by Alissa Walker Micro-unit developments—new apartments that are 400 square feet or smaller—are sprouting up all over the country as cities try to cram more housing into their neighborhoods. New York City’s first micro-unit development opened this month and it’s controversial—even in a city where people already pay top dollar to live in tiny apartments. We recently took a tour of a new micro-unit development called Ollie that just opened in Manhattan. Although Mayor Bill de Blasio is behind the most recent campaign to bring 80,000 affordable housing units to New York City, the push for this particular housing typology originally came from the previous city’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who hosted a micro-unit design competition in 2012. The winning concept by Brooklyn-based nArchitects was this 55-unit tower, which was

Miracle of Money

Many people look to the government to find out how to apply for a grant or to get "free money," which they have seen advertised on television or in various publications. Often times some people confuse grants for benefits or financial assistance, learn more about  benefits and how to apply . Federal grants are awards of financial assistance to an individual and/or organization awarded to carry out a government service or purpose. To learn more about this process, check out our  grants page on  

Healthy In Love Part 2

PLEASE READ PART 1 BEFORE READING PART 2... Reliance on Others If we look to our relationships to complete us and fulfill our unmet needs for happiness and love, then those relationships often result in disappointment.  When we believe that persons we are in a relationship with are responsible for making us happy and whole, then we create unhealthy expectations that become impossible for anyone to meet. This sense of lack can cause us to feel fear whenever our partner is not satisfying our expectations for attention and love. This leads to suffering and co-dependency.  Such insecurities cause us to act with jealously and neediness as our primary motivators, or to constantly seek approval from our partner which can become nagging behavior.  If this continues and becomes intense and out of control it leads to compulsive behavior, obsessive mindset and destructive actions.  It can even mimic addiction. The main issue in this situation is that we look outside for love and approva

How to Respond to a Crisis

Whether you witness a catastrophic event or discover that you must give an unprepared speech in the next 30 seconds, crises happen. And regardless of magnitude, the “recipe” for responding to any of them is the same. The first step is the most important —avoiding panic and emotional confusion by staying in the moment and focusing only on what is directly in front of you. This is easier said than done, because most crises instill immediate fear—fear of what’s coming next. If you can detach quickly from this dynamic, you experience clearer solution-oriented thinking, even in the midst of utter confusion. The next step —make decisions about what action to take and taking that action with thoughtful engagement. You don’t need Navy SEAL training to learn these skills. Your practice opportunities come with common events—a flat tire, an overdue bill, a burst pipe, a failed test, a cut finger, or a wedding band down the bathroom drain. Your success with these smaller events

Christmas in NYC


MMM Holiday Advise

7 Ways to Make the Holidays Special for Your Children  BY  KAREN BRESNAHAN This time of year can be challenging for any parent. As schools, businesses, churches and communities everywhere are gearing up to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Christmas, the days and weeks ahead can become crammed with activities that will wear out any child and their parents. But a conscientious parent will search for ways to teach their children the true meaning of the holidays, so they don’t get lost and confused by the commercialism promoted by retail stores. Instead of focusing on the self-absorbed attitude of deciding what they want to get out of it, (like how many toys will Santa bring me) maybe you would prefer that your child learn  about why we celebrate these holidays to begin with. Here are some simple things you can do to help your child learn the traditional meaning of the holidays, while giving them something they can treasure about the upcoming events. 1. Bake something This

VIP for All In Charge of Young Minds


MMM Fashion Update

6 Fashion Disasters That Every Man Should Avoid At Work   BY  HELEN EVANS A great taste in fashion is not always a guy’s strength. Between responsibilities at work and in private life, most men usually do not have enough time for petty issues like being up to date on what’s new in lifestyle and fashion magazines. Men are not always fond of what’s hot and what’s not for the season. There are plenty of fashion-challenged men out there who seek help on this front more than anyone else. Here’s a short guide to 6 fashion disasters that every man should keep away from. Don’t get left behind. Read this now. #1 Mistake: Wearing Colored Or White Jeans Some men do their best to express personality through the medium of color, yet this should never apply to their jeans or trousers. Obviously, they should take a tip from women and wear clothes and styles that perfectly suit their body type. While it’s true that fashion is channeling the 1980s right now, things are not always like tha

Healthy In Love Part 1

In our innermost being, we are all completely lovable because the spirit is love. Beyond what anyone can make you think or feel about yourself, your unconditioned spirit stands, shining with a love nothing can tarnish. We all have the innate need to love and be loved. When we are born we enter the world with pure expectation of unconditional love. Sadly this is not the experience most people get.  Early in life, we learn that love can be withheld from us, whether well intentioned or not, by those who are closest to us. We become exposed to the concept of bargaining to receive love and give love. People, often unknowingly let pain from their past dictate their approach to love.  They erect barriers or use love as a reward and take it away as punishment. Such behaviors cause us to believe that in order to receive love, we must act a certain way or provide certain things. Equally important, when we have those damaging experiences consistently where love is used to harm, we begin

Christmas in NYC

No where on EARTH does Christmas like New York City!!!

MMM Found Date Ideas

15 Frugal or Free Date Ideas That Keep Your Relationship Alive BY AMY JOHNSON Do you struggle to think of date ideas that aren’t expensive? Many popular date ideas can be quite expensive, such as going out to the cinema or out for a meal. However there are lots of cheap and fun dates that you and partner can do, like having a cook-off or watching the sun set together. Check out 15 frugal or free date ideas that you can do with your partner. 1. Take a free class. Taking a class with your partner is a fun way to do something new together without spending any money. There are lots of classes that offer the first lesson for free, so check out what your area has to offer. Popular options are fitness classes and cooking classes. 2. Have a D-I-Y photo-shoot. Set up a tripod (or simply balance your phone on a flat surface) and have fun being silly together while taking pictures. You can use props from around your house to make sure you end up with some unforgettable pictures. 3. Watch th

College Score Card, Find the College for You

Compare Schools, Tuition Rates and Graduation Outlooks Choosing the right college can be a difficult decision. But the newly redesigned  College Scorecard tool  allows you to compare schools costs, graduation rates, post college earning potentials and includes many other important statistics from colleges across the country. Just specify the degree, program area, and the state or region of the country you are interested in. Scorecard will give you a snapshot of schools that meet your criteria, as well as detailed information on each school. Make this free resource part of your decision process and share it with others who you think could use it!

Miracle of Employment

DCAS EXAM SCHEDULE – December 2015 The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) is accepting applications for the following civil service exams. So don't delay, apply today!  TITLE OF EXAM EXAM NO. FILING PERIOD FILING FEE HOW TO APPLY OPEN COMPETITIVE – Exams Open to the Public CITY ASSESSOR 6026 POSTPONED CLIMBER AND PRUNER 6027 12/2/15 – 12/22/15 $68.00 Online (Open to the Public) COMPUTER ASSOCIATE (TECHNICAL SUPPORT) 6028 12/2/15 – 12/22/15 $68.00 Online (Open to the Public) PROBATION OFFICER 6029 12/2/15 – 12/22/15 $61.00 Online (Open to the Public) REPORTER/STENOGRAPHER (DA) 6030 12/2/15 – 12/22/15 $54.00 Online (Open to the Public) STOCK WORKER 6031 12/2/15 – 12/22/15 $40.00 Online (Open to the Public) STOCK WORKER (CUNY) 6032 12/2/15 – 12/22/15 $40.00 Online (Open to the Public) STOCK WORKER (HHC) 6062 12/2/15 – 12/22/15 $40.00 Online (Open to the Public)

Manage Emotional Distress

Television or Internet coverage of upsetting events like natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or mass shootings can affect our sense of order and safety. It may even impact those with no personal connection to the situation. If you have kids, learning how to put  the news in proper context  and addressing their concerns can help them understand the situation and reduce distress. Find out who is  most at risk of emotional distress  from incidents of mass violence and where to find help. If you are in emotional distress caused by recent events or know someone who is, seek help by calling the  Disaster Distress Hotline  at  1-800-985-5990  or text TalkWithUs to 66746.

Don’t Step on Me

There are times when I have felt like a doormat, even acted like one. Not the kind that someone rubs their soiled shoes on to smear out the water from puddles and the dirt of the streets, but the mental and spiritual kind.     A mat that others will purposely or knowingly use to place their powerful feelings, faulty decisions, extravagant desires or sometimes their misdirected anger and cruelty.  This can be dreadfully unhealthy to my spirit, as I have become their doormat. In lieu I continue to maintain my strength and absorb it all.  As a sponge does, I become saturated, full and unable to carry my own weight.  My once porous amiable matter becomes clogged with smut of every imaginable kind.   It may well lead to despair, mistrust, physical pain and a feeling of eminent lost.    I usually identify the muck soaring towards me. Many times I am able to duck, dart and evade the most serious shots slung my way but at times it catches me directly in the heart.     Slowing me do