Pep Talk

I rise early this morning. 

Gleams of sunlight breaks through my blinds, slices past my curtains to the wood floor.  Shortly after it creeps up the side of my bed facing east, and begins to encroach across my sleeping eyes. My initial reaction is to squeeze my lids tighter and pull the covers over my face, however instead I open them gently and know that God is here with me.

Right at that very moment, the creator is on my bedside looking at me ever so dearly and loving.  I am his and he is mine. I am his child forged in his beauty and his flaws.  I wake and stretch out my arms wide engulfing the air surrounding me.  I know this is going to be a good day.  

Every move I make has a designated purpose and I succeed at each objective.  Nothing can go wrong I believe.  My faith is strong and rising.  I exit my domain and smile at each individual I pass in my certain stride.  Some return the gesture, others don’t recognize the power they can so easily absorb.  

I say Good morning, hello, good day to my colleagues, friends and foe, whomever I encounter.  My warmth and abundant energy fills each space I enter.  It’s going to be a good day.  I know that every turn I make can be faced with obstacles to my happiness but in this moment I am strong, secure and the lord is my shield.  

I hear him whisper, great job my son! I know it is he who has blessed us all. Gave of himself so I may find my peace in myself. It’s up to me. I want to return the favor. I yearn to help others feel my joy.  I will if it’s the last thing I do on this earth.



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