How to Respond to a Crisis

Whether you witness a catastrophic event or discover that you must give an unprepared speech in the next 30 seconds, crises happen. And regardless of magnitude, the “recipe” for responding to any of them is the same.

The first step is the most important —avoiding panic and emotional confusion by staying in the moment and focusing only on what is directly in front of you. This is easier said than done, because most crises instill immediate fear—fear of what’s coming next. If you can detach quickly from this dynamic, you experience clearer solution-oriented thinking, even in the midst of utter confusion.

The next step —make decisions about what action to take and taking that action with thoughtful engagement. You don’t need Navy SEAL training to learn these skills. Your practice opportunities come with common events—a flat tire, an overdue bill, a burst pipe, a failed test, a cut finger, or a wedding band down the bathroom drain. Your success with these smaller events will prepare your reflexes for bigger ones yet to come.


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