
Pyongyang, North Korea Capitol  “To find what is destined, march in your own direction”

When You Drink Water On An Empty Stomach After Waking Up, 8 Amazing Things Will Happen

Why is Drinking Water So Important? For a start, 70% of your body is made up of water, so it’s essential to keep it fresh and topped up to keep the body working properly. When the body’s water requirement is not met, it has a variety of  negative short-term and long-term health consequences . Long-term dehydration can lead to rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, angina, colitis, dyspepsia, hypertension, obesity, haemorrhoids, breast cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney stones, sinusitis, and uterine cancers! Help your body to better avoid these conditions by drinking water after waking up and keeping your body hydrated throughout the day. 1. Helps Rid the Body of Toxins As you drink water, it naturally urges movement in your bowels. At night, your body repairs itself and casts out all the toxins in the body. When you drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, you will flush out these harmful toxins, leaving your body fresh and healthy. Drinking plenty of water can he

MMM Growing Up Post It

LMAO, ok now folks raise your hands.... BE HONEST !!!!  How many of you truly identify with this Post It Of Life? I can recall countless times when I was gung ho about vacationing to a particular place and once I begin researching the travel cost (meaning the flight, Usually JetBlue), I say, hmmmm maybe another time.

Cancer Is Linked To Unexpressed Anger

"When we think about cancer, we think of the disease and how it affects someone. The focus is generally on the numerous types of cancers and a variety of genetic and environmental factors that have been identified as potential causes." Did you know that cancer also has emotional roots? There is one major contributor to the disease that is almost always overlooked: repressed emotions and unexpressed anger. The stress hormone (Cortisol) can be caused by emotional triggers. Suppression of this hormone can decrease a person’s level of immune response . Elevated levels of cortisol have been found to directly suppress the immune system. When the immune system is not functioning properly, normal cells can mutate into cancer cells. The more you suppress your negative emotions, the more susceptible you are to cancer manifesting in your body. A number of studies have been done on the subject and  Alternative Cancer Care  notes the link between repressed anger and canc

Loud Mouth Talking Fancy

QUESTION? Have you ever been in a verbal disagreement with another, a simple discussion, a conversation, heck an exchange of any form of dialogue when that other says something directly to you using a kind method in a normal tone but you just knew it was an intentional dig meant to disparage you? For example "It's fabulous how you always know everything to say although there's nothing within your brain". SHADE!!! I have been fortunate to be trained by the best so I can distinguish materialization of the passive aggressive speaker’s words before their voice utters a sound through their condescending lips and BAM, I'm on them like brown on rice. No Bueno.  This type of communication either takes years of practice to build into a spontaneous useful arsenal or this person has a unique talent with that ability probably stemming from their own psychological impairment.  If you’re attentive to the environment they lurk, without a doubt this loud Mou

Control Myself

Does your life have a workable structure right now? When I say structure I mean having set objectives and goals. Absent of significant mounting wayward decision making. Are you in the position of knowing your boundaries and how to manage yourself around and within them? If you’re bargaining with a lingering weight of confusion in your daily progress, this may be a sign to turn on your conventional morals, values, while giving thought to how, why and what.. Going too far away from you're standards in order to satisfy flighty interest may be adding to the tension. Try following common tactics but don't behave buttoned up quite so tight. You should be able to find a way to loosen up enjoy your growth while still following a set of guidelines you choose to live by. Take a step back and streamline your activities, planned events, and how far away from common sense practices of life you stray. Making a consistent effort in a resolute and meaningful way should lead to a level o

Prayer and Visualization

                Proper visualization and prayer will undoubtedly result in the elimination of those stressful surroundings, and cause us to make choices in our lives to eliminate them in the physical plane.  It is our choice.  Especially in our modern world it is so easy for us to “reinvent” ourselves (a new life and job may only be a two-hour airplane flight, or 15 minute bus ride, away) it is undeniable that the lives we find ourselves in are chosen by us, And how joyous that is.  In a less dramatic way, we can also change, accept or reject elements of our existing relationships, jobs, and lives by making different choices.  It is the power to control our thoughts, our gift of choice, which is at the heart of this empowerment.                 It is funny how many of us say our prayers at night, or even go to a house of worship and pray, yet really lack the belief that our prayers are being heard or answered.  It is a kind of force of habit, an illusion of faith, goin

12 Things Your Significant Other Will Do If They Actually Care About You

BY JOSH MACDONALD Some people don’t like commitment. Some are poor at communicating while others are afraid to share how they feel. It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re unsure of how your partner really feels about you. Here are 12 questions to ask yourself to tell if your significant other actually cares about you and being with you. 1. Do they touch you? Do they hug you, hang on to you, rest their hand on you, or make skin to skin contact frequently? It’s been said that touch can calm your nerves among other things, showing genuine interest in the other person’s well-being. 2. Do they talk about the future? By talking about the future, your partner shows full interest in being with you for a long time. Women, in particular, are known to jump to conclusions and talk about their wedding and kids just shortly after getting into the relationship. This is partly to make sure that her high expectations don’t scare her partner off, but if she continues to talk about it, there