Loud Mouth Talking Fancy


Have you ever been in a verbal disagreement with another, a simple discussion, a conversation, heck an exchange of any form of dialogue when that other says something directly to you using a kind method in a normal tone but you just knew it was an intentional dig meant to disparage you?

For example "It's fabulous how you always know everything to say although there's nothing within your brain". SHADE!!! I have been fortunate to be trained by the best so I can distinguish materialization of the passive aggressive speaker’s words before their voice utters a sound through their condescending lips and BAM, I'm on them like brown on rice. No Bueno. 

This type of communication either takes years of practice to build into a spontaneous useful arsenal or this person has a unique talent with that ability probably stemming from their own psychological impairment. 

If you’re attentive to the environment they lurk, without a doubt this loud Mouth has left red flags and subliminal signs of their existence. Preparing for the day they talk fancy to you is regrettably inevitable. So, how do you counteract? 

Well certainly don't argue or take it personally then become upset. Use your superior intellect and phrase your response directly at the heart of their power in a calm thoughtful manner. 

WORDS are their strength but also their weakness. By no means digress into the same pattern of speech and absolutely do not engage in a battle of wits. A firm comeback stating I know who you are but won't tolerate it including a suggested option for their way out of the entanglement is what I believe is the best approach, experience has taught me. 

Once delivered effectively this loud Mouth fancy talker will stay clear from you out of fear of exposure to others.


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