Prayer and Visualization


Proper visualization and prayer will undoubtedly result in the elimination of those stressful surroundings, and cause us to make choices in our lives to eliminate them in the physical plane.  It is our choice.  Especially in our modern world it is so easy for us to “reinvent” ourselves (a new life and job may only be a two-hour airplane flight, or 15 minute bus ride, away) it is undeniable that the lives we find ourselves in are chosen by us, And how joyous that is.  In a less dramatic way, we can also change, accept or reject elements of our existing relationships, jobs, and lives by making different choices.  It is the power to control our thoughts, our gift of choice, which is at the heart of this empowerment.

                It is funny how many of us say our prayers at night, or even go to a house of worship and pray, yet really lack the belief that our prayers are being heard or answered.  It is a kind of force of habit, an illusion of faith, going through the motions but not really believing the effects will occur.  It is often merely a superstitious act, borne out of fear or because we have been taught to go through the motions of prayer, than a profound and deep act of love or professing thanks to our Creator.  Do we mumble some memorized cliché, or mindlessly read a passage from a book someone else has written, and call it prayer?  Is it the guilt, taught to us by our parents or religious authorities, priests, ministers or rabbis, that causes us to perform these rote actions?  Do they really have any impact, without the emotion and faith needed to convey them? 

                Watching television the other day I saw the Pope, one of the icons of religion on the planet today, saying a prayer for a Mass--reading from a book, unoriginal and weary clichés in a most automatic, unpassionate (may I say bored?) and rote fashion.  I was truly amazed that this religious leader offered no individual perspective and spoke no words to relate any insight to us--revealing no example for his “followers” to follow in a pursuit of spirituality.  It was necessary for him to read from page 12, lines 4 through 6 a cliché anyone can pick up and recite.  What did the Universe perceive that day hearing rote clichés conveyed without the essential conduit of emotion?  Very possibly the “followers” are being encouraged to remain “followers” by the lack of any individual expression of faith or communication with God-spirit, rather than being encouraged to be empowered co-creators of their reality.

                Prayers and visualizations are the powerful means by which we can create our lives.  Spoken or performed with emotion and commitment they will convey to the Universe our desires and thoughts.  And we must align our belief systems to these desires and thoughts, be truly ready to receive, and feel we are worthy to receive that which we seek.

                It is important to thank the Universe and show respect and appreciation for your gift of life and for your existence.  It is important to ask, not demand, from the Universe in specific terms, that which you seek.  It is important to be in a frame of mind that you have already received and possess that for which you ask and radiate that feeling, to which the Universe will harmonize, like some huge, self-adjusting, infinite, unfathomable holographic grid. 

                Visualization may be even more powerful than a prayer.  A prayer is a series of words, language spoken, which embodies our desires and feelings.  Visualization, not limited by language and words, can convey feelings and desires more explicitly and powerfully than mere words. 

                For instance, if you want to relax you may say to yourself, “Relax, relax..damn it RELAX.”   But what it you were to close your eyes, sitting straight with nothing “folded”, breath deeply three times, and picture yourself lying on your back in a lovely field of tall grass, looking at a fluffy cloud float by, watching the cloud float into the distance, then calmly noticing another peaceful cloud floating by, slowly?  Which scenario, or exercise, has relaxed you more?   Did you feel your stomach relax when you got to the part about the clouds.  Well, the Universe felt it too.  Yes.

                It is said people are most receptive to spiritual communication and group mind energy when they are in the alpha brain wave state, a relaxed, passive state in which we are not as in control of that which flows into and out of the mind, most often during a state of meditation.   It is important to breathe and relax when visualizing and praying.

                Jungian philosophy speaks of the three areas of our consciousness or psyche;  our ego conscious, our personal unconscious, and our collective unconscious. Since the “unconscious” portion of our mind cannot talk, when it penetrates consciousness it comes in the form of images and symbols, thoughts and ideas.  This is the language of the unconscious and the power of visualization.
                The power of images is astounding.  There are certain images that are triggers for human-kind that are genetically imprinted in our psyches.  Of course, some may vary depending on cultural upbringing, but many others have a universal impact and effect.  Spiritualists who are versed in visualization use these symbols, images (sometimes referred to as archetypes) to enhance visualization and achieve the desired effects.  Some date back to when we were living in caves and cause a predictable effect, for instance sharp teeth.  Others may be very personal and work for one individual while they may not have the desired effect with another individual.  
                When doing visualization, first state: “I am doing this exercise with the intention of.....” and then state your intention.  For instance, to receive love in your life, or to meet a “significant other”, to have success in an endeavor you are embarking on, or to heal yourself, eliminate fear or make peace with another individual.

                To achieve a goal you should say your prayer, have your visualization, once a day for 21 days.  Then stop for 7 days.  If it hasn’t occurred, which would be very unusual, continue for another 21 days.  It is important not to worry about what you have asked for throughout the day.  You have made your specific request known in a sacred and respectful way and you must get on with your life and do that which is necessary to achieve your goal, make sure you are prepared to accept and feel worthy of it.  


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