12 Things Your Significant Other Will Do If They Actually Care About You


Some people don’t like commitment. Some are poor at communicating while others are afraid to share how they feel. It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re unsure of how your partner really feels about you. Here are 12 questions to ask yourself to tell if your significant other actually cares about you and being with you.

1. Do they touch you?

Do they hug you, hang on to you, rest their hand on you, or make skin to skin contact frequently? It’s been said that touch can calm your nerves among other things, showing genuine interest in the other person’s well-being.

2. Do they talk about the future?

By talking about the future, your partner shows full interest in being with you for a long time. Women, in particular, are known to jump to conclusions and talk about their wedding and kids just shortly after getting into the relationship. This is partly to make sure that her high expectations don’t scare her partner off, but if she continues to talk about it, there’s a reason.

3. Do they smile at you instinctively?

When you stare into their eyes, do they start smiling? Are they happy? Or do they brush it off when you give them your undivided attention?

4. Do they make you feel better when you’re down?

If you’re upset, insecure or hurt by anything that happens, how do they respond? Do they yell at you, telling you to grow up? When you feel insecure, do they try to make you feel safe and secure about the situation?

5. Do they make time for you when it’s inconvenient?

Where exactly do you rank in their Friday night plans? Do you have to plan to hang out, or do you just assume that you two will be together this Friday, next Friday and the Friday after that?

6. Do they know where their phone is when they're with you?

Personally I’ve always found it amusing when you’ve spent the day with someone and enjoyed it so much that neither of you knows where your phones are and don’t really care who’s trying to get ahold of you. This truly shows you’re at the top of their priorities.

7. Do they tell other people how happy they are?

This one is always a winner. Do you always come up in conversation? Does your significant other tell their best friends how happy they are with you? Do they show public displays of affection (PDAs) by posting you consistently on social media? Whether you agree or not, posting pictures on social media shows that you have a long term commitment to this person because if you didn’t and were planning on breaking up, it’d be pretty embarrassing to do so.

8. Do you have to make bold plans as a reason to hang out?

Is your significant other bored when you plan nothing, or are they perfectly content with Netflix and chill? This will of course also change as your relationship ages.

9. Are you their go-to person?
When something bad or funny happens, who do they text, call or can’t wait to call? If it’s their best friend, you may have some work to do.

10. Do they care about your success?

Do they love to brag about you, and tell others what you do? Or do they get jealous and brush everything under the carpet about how great you are?

11. Do they actually mean it when they ask how your day went?
It’s common courtesy to ask someone how their day or sleep was. However, if they actually mean it and aren’t trying to use it as a conversation starter, that’s nothing but a good sign.

12. Do they trust you?

Do they snoop through your phone? Do they give their phone to you to use or do they protect it from you? Do you know the phone password? Do they delete messages, afraid of how you might react?

No, they don’t need to buy you a brand new Mercedes or Audi to show they care about you. By asking yourself this handful of questions about your and your significant other’s relationship, you can easily tell how the other person feels about you.


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