
7 Tools to Protect Yourself From Negative Energies and Entities.

By  Amateo Ra | Whether you fully believe in it or not, all humans can be subjected and influenced by negative energy. If you are highly-sensitive, an empath or regularly surrounded by a lot of people, you may find yourself even more susceptible. So how do we protect ourselves from these energies? What are they really?  This article posted in the blog will help answer that question and give you exactly what you need to know. Truthfully, even writing an article on this subject matter is tricky. Why? Well, I believe the more awareness and attention that you give negative energies or entities, the more power they have over you and to influence your life. I regularly meet people who believe that part of their Spiritual mission is to constantly be protecting themselves from negative energy, and I from my years of study I don’t subscribe to that belief system. Instead, I invite an alternative. When you show up as your True Self in the full energy of who you truly are, on a pur

Your Own Worst Enemy

Here I am once again, looking at the same view ahead of me that I was pleased to see fade in my rear view the last time.  I know what it is because I have been here numerous times before. Why am I here again?  Am I doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again? Ooops I did it again.   Sometimes I laugh at myself but other times I cry. I cry out of anger and disappointment because I can and should be better than this.  What is the repetitive failure for? It’s like I am that hamster in the wheel running in circles always looking for the exit but never getting off the wheel.  I have dissected this before. I found the meaning that I thought was relevant and believed that I learned an important lesson. Yet here I am again. It’s a confusing maze, or something like a mirage that led me back to the same point.  I thought I was taking different steps, a new path, yet still here I am my own worst enemy.  Three times, four times, eight times, Ten!!!  I see no resolution to my

Stop & Start


Look Them in The Eyes

I’ve always believed that a person’s truth can’t be entirely concealed if you stare deep into their eyes and take the time to study what you see.  Out of respect some of us have been thought to cover our eyes from exposure to others. Look down when you are speaking to an adult, in court when you address the judge, or even in some cultures between a man and women.  I say “That is a charade!” If you want to know your children, your mate, your friends have them look you directly in the eye.   Can he, she, or you be a liar without a conscious while you both view into the others soul?  If so that’s a precarious being and you should beware. Throughout history a person’s eyes has revealed a good deal of information such as their pains, their joys, their experiences, perceptions and real emotions. The blood of the soul known as tears departs from our eyes.   When you look into someone’s eyes and you see something that is opposite of what exits their mouth in words, you should ask them


Teaching Young People About Money It’s never too late to show a child—from a preschooler to a college kid—why and how to become responsible with money. To help teach young people about money, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has  tips for parents and caregivers . Be sure to also check out to find information for people of all ages on  banking, credit cards, saving, and investing . CHECK LINK BELOW

My Clouds

I’m not a bitter vindictive person that holds grudges, as a matter a fact if I had a penny for all the times I’ve uttered those words to myself, wow how monetarily wealthy I would be.  However I am wealthy in other ways. I have learned to dream, believe in hope and share them with whoever wants to partake.  My soul remains in the skies with the clouds, the ones we see from below.  I often gaze above and absorb its beauty. I ponder over the shapes, some round some linear some indescribable.  Taking forms of things I imagine that make me smile.  Its beauty attracts me and sometimes I make plans to reach it. I want to be a part of it, its everlasting ongoing forever in the distance. Will anyone show me the map or share the journey with me? Some people say stop dreaming. They believe I’m only fooling myself but I will keep my spirits in the clouds.  I will figure it out one day, why this imagination has been bestowed upon me.  Heaven isn’t as far away as it seems. R


Being perfect is not the goal is it?  Who can be perfect? I mean completely perfect.  We think we can find others who are perfect and make expectations of perfection in our lives, but is that realistic?  Is that a goal that can be accomplished? I believe that looking for perfection is a deceitful purpose and can mislead us.  What do you think?  Look for growth.  Look for truth.  Look for faith.  Look for love.  Look for the Creator.  Look for yourself.  Find you, be you and be the best human that you can be.  That’s perfection. I recently asked one of my family to research "what is the closest thing to perfection living or not".  He found this answer.... "Constant improvement is the closet thing to perfection" We came down to this simple statement.... ADAPT OR DIE Look past the literal meaning of those words and get into the concept of change, growth, understanding, truth, exploration, fulfillment, and Love.  Miracles do happen!

Miracle Creation and Lexus create epic driving spectacular on a laser street...