Look Them in The Eyes

I’ve always believed that a person’s truth can’t be entirely concealed if you stare deep into their eyes and take the time to study what you see.  Out of respect some of us have been thought to cover our eyes from exposure to others. Look down when you are speaking to an adult, in court when you address the judge, or even in some cultures between a man and women.  I say “That is a charade!” If you want to know your children, your mate, your friends have them look you directly in the eye.  

Can he, she, or you be a liar without a conscious while you both view into the others soul?  If so that’s a precarious being and you should beware. Throughout history a person’s eyes has revealed a good deal of information such as their pains, their joys, their experiences, perceptions and real emotions. The blood of the soul known as tears departs from our eyes.  

When you look into someone’s eyes and you see something that is opposite of what exits their mouth in words, you should ask them if what they say is what they mean. Be respectful and honest about what you see.  Give the person a chance to be vulnerable and expose what their eyes may have revealed in silence.  The eyes can truly be windows to the soul. 

 Look them in the Eye.


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