My Clouds

I’m not a bitter vindictive person that holds grudges, as a matter a fact if I had a penny for all the times I’ve uttered those words to myself, wow how monetarily wealthy I would be. 

However I am wealthy in other ways. I have learned to dream, believe in hope and share them with whoever wants to partake.  My soul remains in the skies with the clouds, the ones we see from below. 

I often gaze above and absorb its beauty. I ponder over the shapes, some round some linear some indescribable.  Taking forms of things I imagine that make me smile.  Its beauty attracts me and sometimes I make plans to reach it.

I want to be a part of it, its everlasting ongoing forever in the distance. Will anyone show me the map or share the journey with me? Some people say stop dreaming. They believe I’m only fooling myself but I will keep my spirits in the clouds. 

I will figure it out one day, why this imagination has been bestowed upon me.  Heaven isn’t as far away as it seems.

Rock City - Replay... Click the link below and fly away.


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