
Being perfect is not the goal is it?  Who can be perfect? I mean completely perfect.  We think we can find others who are perfect and make expectations of perfection in our lives, but is that realistic?  Is that a goal that can be accomplished? I believe that looking for perfection is a deceitful purpose and can mislead us.  What do you think?  Look for growth.  Look for truth.  Look for faith.  Look for love.  Look for the Creator.  Look for yourself.  Find you, be you and be the best human that you can be.  That’s perfection.

I recently asked one of my family to research "what is the closest thing to perfection living or not".  He found this answer....
"Constant improvement is the closet thing to perfection"
We came down to this simple statement....


Look past the literal meaning of those words and get into the concept of change, growth, understanding, truth, exploration, fulfillment, and Love.  Miracles do happen!


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