
Fade to Black

Today I grasped that I am truly alone.  Where is the father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, or friend?  Why have they all disappeared? I look left and right and there is no evidence of anyone left. Only the memories of what once was.  This did not happen overnight.  Was I so consumed with myself that I could not recognize the disintegration before my very eyes? Did I not hear the structures crumbling around me into a vacant dust? Why has this happened now?  All this time I believed my sphere of bonds to be stronger but reality has taken front stage.  I am truly alone.   Millions of eyes look past me and don’t notice my anguish. Maybe they are caught in their own collapsing foundations, dodging falling bricks and beams like an obstacle course. Maybe it’s every man for himself and the time to aid a neighbor has come to a halt. Or can this be my fate to pace the rest of this path with no hand to clasp, no one to stand behind or lean on.  I am troubled of what th

Downfalls of Sensitive People

It’s Never Easy To Be A Sensitive Person, Here’s Why; Sensitivity can be a gift, but it’s never easy to cope with it at all times. If you’re one, you’ll know. Here are some difficulties we face. 1. We Feel Much More We feel so much more than other people. We can pick up on the atmosphere in a room as soon as we walk in. Sometimes we will feel exactly as the other people are feeling.  We wonder why all of a sudden our mood has changed from calm to anxious when really we’ve just picked up on the anxiety of someone close to us. We are like sponges – soaking up the emotional energy that surrounds us. This is not always a good thing – it can be very frustrating at times. 2. We Over Analyse Going out for dinner with a sensitive person can prove to be a real exercise in restraint. We pay so much attention to detail that we have to consider every eventuality before reaching a decision.  It can be comical to observe this in action unless of course you’re in a hurry. 3. We

Let The Devil Out

I saw it coming. I knew who I was looking at but chose to pretend I didn’t see.  The look in its eyes was bursting of aggression and an unmeasurable desire to cause destruction. Its path was not predetermined but it took every step to its advantage towards me. It saw my weakness and preyed upon it. I knew my strengths but did not use them. There we were at the crossroads facing one another about to clash to the end. I shuddered in my boots. The hairs raised on my back, my pupils wider than ever. This is the time I have to make it worth more than whatever I can imagine. It pushed back and demanded me to lie down and be subservient. It meant to take control. It had an agenda of the wickedest kind. My fear bubbled to the surface. That scent became an intoxicating aroma for it. It tripled its force as it observed its goal within reach. How will this conclude? It must be let out. It must leave this place of tranquility and magnificence. It refused. It began to lay a permanent founda


This is one of the hardest factors of transformation in my life. Being able to analyze myself in a constructive way to achieve growth, find forgiveness and strengthen my love for others. It’s a tough battle between Instincts, emotions, desires, perceptions, beliefs, assumptions and faith. I recognize that the criteria of faith involve set rules, and offer results if we just believe. Emotions come and go like crashing waves against the shore, which can be discouraging and confuse my objectives. However they are useful in the art of allowing myself to vent troubles as well as celebrate moments of success in life. Assumptions are something that I stress to avoid because of its misleading effects creating a false environment but it still exists. Beliefs are en-grained in the soul and are very difficult to change or are not as adaptable as I would like to think.  Perceptions are skewed to my experiences, learned truths and do not give all the facts at all times. Desire to me is the
Saint Petersburg /  Petrograd  /  Leningrad   Russia “You can start anywhere the 1 st step is up to you”

BROOKLYN VS BRONX... What do you think?

Brooklyn and The Bronx are like oil and water, they don't mix. It's always been this way. One reason is that Staten Island aside, which is totally separate and apart, The Bronx and Brooklyn are the two most geographically distant boroughs. Just as a matter of time and distance, residents of the two boroughs rarely mix. Second is the basic nature of the two boroughs. The north of The Bronx has areas of residentials homes, and in some places is very suburban like, but the south which carries the reputation for the whole of The Bronx, for the great part it is very dense and highly urbanized, with whole neighborhoods of tenaments and apartment buildings. This creates a certain personality and life experience, with large populations having lived their entire lives in such an environment. Brooklyn on the other hand, while having a couple of highly dense urban neighborhoods which are, generally, old and outlying, most of Brooklyn's neighborhoods are comprised of '

Subtle Characteristics That Reveal Your Personality

Do any of these characteristics apply to you? 1. You have a set morning routine. Some experts believe that routines are more common among successful people. Particularly, following a morning routine can help strengthen your willpower, and is associated with better self-control. Along with this, those who consider themselves morning people were found to have fewer neurotic and depressive traits than night owls. 2. You love gossip. Everyone is guilty of engaging in gossip once in a while. But if gossip is your bread and butter, it’s not a great sign. Research has indicated that gossipers may have higher levels of anxiety, due to factors like boredom, envy, or a need for attention. Gossiping may also reflect a need for leverage or superiority in a social group. 3. You have a sweet tooth. We often call nice people “sweet,” and strangely enough research has hinted that kindhearted folks may actually be more likely to have a sweet tooth. In the study, those who opted for sugary


There are times when, in order to preserve intimacy, you shouldn't say everything you're thinking and or feeling without thinking of the repercussions. It's not wrong to at times be discerning about what you say and learn how to be truly intimate.  What does that mean?  Should we not speak our mind?  Should we not say what comes to our lips?  I think we should, but there are times when our innermost thoughts are best left to ourselves. At least until we fully comprehend it. On a general level we don't always need to tell any and everyone the most intimate parts of our lives. We can preserve a space for only ourselves. We can call it internal intimacy.