
This is one of the hardest factors of transformation in my life. Being able to analyze myself in a constructive way to achieve growth, find forgiveness and strengthen my love for others. It’s a tough battle between Instincts, emotions, desires, perceptions, beliefs, assumptions and faith.

I recognize that the criteria of faith involve set rules, and offer results if we just believe.
Emotions come and go like crashing waves against the shore, which can be discouraging and confuse my objectives. However they are useful in the art of allowing myself to vent troubles as well as celebrate moments of success in life. Assumptions are something that I stress to avoid because of its misleading effects creating a false environment but it still exists. Beliefs are en-grained in the soul and are very difficult to change or are not as adaptable as I would like to think. Perceptions are skewed to my experiences, learned truths and do not give all the facts at all times. Desire to me is the most powerful steer, always pulling and tugging me in directions I try to avoid. Instincts many times flat out tell me "I am Wrong", but do I listen half the times? NO.

However I grasp to the idea that being a better person takes place when I see my shortcomings combined with my assets and  acknowledge them, learn how they have occurred to begin with, forgive myself for mistakes, accept credit when due, ask those I may have harmed  if possible for a pardon and the people I love and trust to help me change what I have become aware of in my reflection that is unpleasing as well as demanding respect for sensible moral achievement. Are you feeling me? 


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