Downfalls of Sensitive People

It’s Never Easy To Be A Sensitive Person, Here’s Why;

Sensitivity can be a gift, but it’s never easy to cope with it at all times. If you’re one, you’ll know.
Here are some difficulties we face.

1. We Feel Much More
We feel so much more than other people. We can pick up on the atmosphere in a room as soon as we walk in. Sometimes we will feel exactly as the other people are feeling. We wonder why all of a sudden our mood has changed from calm to anxious when really we’ve just picked up on the anxiety of someone close to us. We are like sponges – soaking up the emotional energy that surrounds us. This is not always a good thing – it can be very frustrating at times.

2. We Over Analyse
Going out for dinner with a sensitive person can prove to be a real exercise in restraint. We pay so much attention to detail that we have to consider every eventuality before reaching a decision. It can be comical to observe this in action unless of course you’re in a hurry.

3. We Are Likely To Develop Anxiety And Depression
Genetics plays a role, but my highly sensitive nature is a determining factor in the development of mental conditions.We react so strongly to our environment that our nervous systems become overwhelmed and start to malfunction.For this reason, sensitive people should learn about how they work and put some measures in place to protect themselves from being overwhelmed too often.

4. We Are Sensitive to Our Physical Environment
Loud noises, bright lights and strong smells all affect us in a very negative way. Just walking down the street or hanging out in a bar can be hard work. We become over-stimulated and perhaps agitated. Getting away from the source of this reaction is the best thing to do. This can be a major inconvenience at times. I react like there’s an earthquake when I walk past a jackhammer on the street. Heads turn and people laugh but to me the sound is absolutely unbearable.

5. Our Emotions Stay For A Long Time
We have to be very careful not to watch violence on T.V or read violent books. The negative images can stay with us forever. As much as I’d love to watch ‘most television drama it’s out of the question for me. I avoid funerals whenever I can. If I do attend a funeral I will almost always be depressed by the time I get home.

6. We Cry So Easily
We can’t have a good argument without crying. We cry at funerals, saying goodbye at the airport, listening to other people’s problems or watching a touching movie. It’s important that family and friends are supportive to sensitive people at these times, particularly sensitive children. They should never be discouraged from crying.

7. We Think So Deeply
We can’t seem to just take things at face value. We ruminate over things as if each issue were a life or death situation. In doing this we often build things up in our mind to be far more important than they are. This causes us unnecessary stress and can affect those around us if we involve them.

8. We Hurt So Badly
When someone does something to hurt us it really hurts so badly. It takes us a long time to recover from hurt.
Many of us will withdraw or close ourselves off emotionally for fear of getting hurt again. While it may be difficult – being sensitive is manageable. Taking time out away from the noise and bright lights and avoiding high-risk situations, (anywhere people may be having negative emotions) will help you to protect yourself.


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