
This Quiz Reveals Your Energy Blocks

Find out which chakras are online and which are blocked in this fun and informative quiz.  When chakras are blocked or out of alignment, the results show up in your personality and your actions. This  Chakra Consciousness test  can pinpoint these energies and reveal where you stand at the moment. That's valuable because you can then work on re-aligning your energies...which feels great. You feel more centered and calm and you feel more able to deal with the craziness of the world. It starts with the self-assessment quiz from Chakra Consciousness. Give it a's completely free! Let us know how you like it. Take the quiz here

5 Ways to Kill Off Stress in Any Situation

BY  ANNA JOHANSSON Regardless of your life circumstance, stress probably plays a role in some shape or form in your everyday life. Some days are worse than others, but rarely can any of us truly say, “I’m 100 percent stress-free.” Everyone, from homeless people to billionaires, is susceptible to stress; there’s simply no way to avoid it. However, there are ways to reduce the amount of stress you suffer from. Here are five powerful tips for ways to kill stress in almost any situation. 1. Eat Healthier (Photo by  Alex Ranaldi ) Though a lot of stress is psychological, there are also plenty of physical factors that contribute to this natural human response to perceived danger. In order to mitigate stress, make sure you’re treating your body right. A big part of this is eating healthier. “There are no magic ‘anti-stress’ foods,”  says Gilles Barbot , founder and director of Esprit de Corps, a leadership coaching program. “Nevertheless, adopting an alkaline diet instead of

MMM Sharing Wisdom

A human being is part of a whole, called a universe, a part limited in time and space.   He or she experiences themselves, their thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of their consciousness.   This delusion is a kind of prison for them, restricting them to personal desires and affections for the few persons nearest to them. Their task must be to free themselves from this prison by widening their circle of compassion to embrace ALL living creatures and the entirety of nature in its beauty. Albert Einstein 1949 The World as I see It

Things That Make YOU Go "MMM" Pun intended


How To Lose Weight: The Best Food Combinations

BY KRIS LEE If you have tried every single diet to slim down and failed, try eating particular foods together. It will make your weight loss process easier, while introducing you to certain food combinations that will help your body balance itself and eliminate toxins. Here are some food combinations that will work well with your diet plan. Get ready for a trip to a grocery store and you’ll soon start shedding your unwanted weight. 1. Berries on top Oatmeal and Berries Oatmeal topped with berries is a delicious fat-burning breakfast option. Each food contains insoluble fiber that controls hunger. Plus, berries are packed with micronutrients that assist in weight loss and they can stop fat from forming as well. Yogurt and Berries A combination of calcium and vitamin D can significantly decrease belly fat and fat absorption. Fiber-packed berries will complement these nutrients. Enjoy this tasty duo as a quick breakfast or afternoon snack. Walnuts and Berries I

MMM Growing Up Post It

Where would you say you are on this graph.  Im a late bloomer so i would change the age bar and start and 30 and end at 55..LOL.....

Hide n Seek

What does it mean to chase an individual?   It's a conscious pursuit a task that is purposely carried out by the pursuer. For it to make any sense there has to be an achievable goal that can be reached within a reasonable time frame. Unless you elect to chase a person for the fun of it, and when that's the case once the person being chased gives in and the pursuit is over, the chaser no longer has interest and is off onto a new prize. LOL... How wild does that seem? My advice is to chase your dreams of self-improvement.  Pursue ideas and goals that build upon your physical, mental and spiritual state. Individuals will notice it and place themselves directly in your pathway. Why? Simple they want to be a part of the glory. It will then be up to you to pick and choose those persons that fit into your spectrum of life. Choose wisely because many will be lecherous and draw away your self-progress selfishly for their own needs and discard you once it’s done. Others will sup
City of Portland Oregon USA “Fresh and clean begins with you”