Hide n Seek

What does it mean to chase an individual?   It's a conscious pursuit a task that is purposely carried out by the pursuer. For it to make any sense there has to be an achievable goal that can be reached within a reasonable time frame. Unless you elect to chase a person for the fun of it, and when that's the case once the person being chased gives in and the pursuit is over, the chaser no longer has interest and is off onto a new prize. LOL... How wild does that seem? My advice is to chase your dreams of self-improvement.  Pursue ideas and goals that build upon your physical, mental and spiritual state. Individuals will notice it and place themselves directly in your pathway. Why? Simple they want to be a part of the glory. It will then be up to you to pick and choose those persons that fit into your spectrum of life. Choose wisely because many will be lecherous and draw away your self-progress selfishly for their own needs and discard you once it’s done. Others will support you and add to the amazing emerald palace you seek to construct. 


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