
Why People Who Don’t Fear To Embarrass Themselves Are More Creative

 BY DAVID K. WILLIAM Want to be more creative? Creativity is within your reach if you can cultivate the proper habits. You need to cultivate proper habits because connecting the dots and thinking creatively is a process for all of us. It’s a long-term process rather than a single event. Those people who are more inclined to expose themselves to new ideas, people who don’t mind embarrassing themselves, get to improve upon their creativity. Those people who wrestle with creative ideas for years get to refine their ideas and reap the fruits of their labors. In an excellent post about creative thinking, writer James Clear exposes the myth that is the “eureka” moment, the so-called “light bulb” moment or the “aha!” moment. He demonstrates that a single flash of genius isn’t really what it is made out to be by citing the most iconic eureka moment in the history of scientific storytelling: When Sir Isaac Newton saw an apple fall to the ground in 1666. When you think of Isaac
Larung Gar in Tibet,  Kham  ( Xikang ), China . “Be YOURSELF everyone else is taken.”

How Birth Order Affects Your Personality

BY  LORD YEUNG Birth order myths aren’t just fascinating party talk. (You are totally a middle child!) There are solid psychological reasons why many people fit the mold. Here’s a breakdown of the major stereotypes. Oldest, Middle, Youngest, Only... Click here for video.

Miracle of Employment

DCAS EXAM SCHEDULE   JANUARY 2016 The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) is accepting applications for the following civil service exams. So don't delay, apply today! Note:  The Senior Stationary Engineer titles in  red  text have been updated to reflect the  correct  filing fee. TITLE OF EXAM EXAM NO. FILING PERIOD FILING FEE HOW TO APPLY OPEN COMPETITIVE   Exams Open to the Public CITY ASSESSOR 6026 12/23/15   1/14/16 $68.00 Online (Open to the Public) MAINTENANCE WORKER 6033 01/06/16    01/26/16 $68.00 Online (Open to the Public) MAINTENANCE WORKER (CUNY) 6034 01/06/16    01/26/16 $68.00 Online (Open to the Public) MAINTENANCE WORKER (HHC) 6035 01/06/16    01/26/16 $68.00 Online (Open to the Public) PUBLIC HEALTH SANITARIAN 6036 01/06/16    01/26/16 $61.00 Online (Open to the Public) SENIOR STATIONARY ENGINEER 6037 01/06/16    01/26/16 $101.00 Online (Open to the Public) S

Healthy in Love Part 3 Finally

PLEASE READ PART 1 AND PART 2 BEFORE READING PART 3 7 Stepping stones on the path to True Love; 1-   Let go Of the past.  Feeling unworthy and unlovable are illusions of the conditioned mind.  What you see as your flaws are merely hurts and wounds of the past.  You must come to know that you deserve to be happy and fully loved, UNCONDITIONALLY. 2- Be comfortable with your weaknesses.  Every person has positive and negative qualities.  Weaknesses make you and I complete.  Instead of using them against yourself, you should recognize how they can help you to grow and empathize with others. 3- Embrace yourself.  By taking time to each day to look into a mirror for a few minutes and embrace the beautiful individual you are. 4- Love yourself exactly as you are .  By loving and embracing your authentic self, you will attract people who love you for who you are, not for some fairy tale.  Say to yourself I am a beautiful person, a loving person, and I love myself just as I am.

MMM Gowing up Post It

 This speaks for itself, But we would Love to hear any personal examples, stories, side jokes etc of anyone who can relate to the picture above.... COME ON FOLKS PARTICIPATE ON THIS ONE...

Pep Talk

I rise early this morning.  Gleams of sunlight breaks through my blinds, slices past my curtains to the wood floor.  Shortly after it creeps up the side of my bed facing east, and begins to encroach across my sleeping eyes. My initial reaction is to squeeze my lids tighter and pull the covers over my face, however instead I open them gently and know that God is here with me. Right at that very moment, the creator is on my bedside looking at me ever so dearly and loving.  I am his and he is mine. I am his child forged in his beauty and his flaws.  I wake and stretch out my arms wide engulfing the air surrounding me.  I know this is going to be a good day.   Every move I make has a designated purpose and I succeed at each objective.  Nothing can go wrong I believe.  My faith is strong and rising.  I exit my domain and smile at each individual I pass in my certain stride.  Some return the gesture, others don’t recognize the power they can so easily absorb.   I say Go

Signs of A Strong Personality

When people encounter someone with a strong personality, they don’t understand the kind of person they are dealing with. Some people think you dominate. Some just think you are rude. But none of these are the truth. These words actually do not reflect your personality at all. In fact, strong people are often kittens on the inside. It’s just that people with domineering personalities just give you a bad rep. Strong people do not have to win, they just are not willing to let other people walk all over them on the outside. Sure, some people might be afraid of you. But that is only because they do not understand how you can be so comfortable with yourself that you do not need anyone else to validate you. Here are eight signs that you have a strong personality that might scare some people. You Don’t Put Up With Excuses Strong personalities do not put up with excuses. When you have a strong personality, you’re not willing to listen to people waste time whining about w