Healthy in Love Part 3 Finally


7 Stepping stones on the path to True Love;

1-  Let go Of the past.  Feeling unworthy and unlovable are illusions of the conditioned mind.  What you see as your flaws are merely hurts and wounds of the past.  You must come to know that you deserve to be happy and fully loved, UNCONDITIONALLY.

2- Be comfortable with your weaknesses.  Every person has positive and negative qualities.  Weaknesses make you and I complete.  Instead of using them against yourself, you should recognize how they can help you to grow and empathize with others.

3- Embrace yourself.  By taking time to each day to look into a mirror for a few minutes and embrace the beautiful individual you are.

4- Love yourself exactly as you are.  By loving and embracing your authentic self, you will attract people who love you for who you are, not for some fairy tale.  Say to yourself I am a beautiful person, a loving person, and I love myself just as I am.

5- Be generous with yourself.  You can express self love through a gentle massage with oils, a nice meal, or a walk in nature.  Nature itself is a true expression of unconditional love and serves as a vibrant example of how you should treat yourself.

6- Stop looking for the right person. Become the right person.  All relationships are mirrors.  When you fall in love with someone you can write down what you admire about him or her and express those traits in yourself as well.  This way you will not be using someone else to complete your needs but rather as an inspiration.

7- Don"t ask for more love, Be in love.  Love is a state of awareness where you are connected to your spirit.  When you express unrestrained, unconditional love for others and yourself, you will light up the world around you.  The more attention on love, the more expansive it will become.

Dont scare yourself trying to meet these points just relax and let it be natural.  Knowing is half the battle and the more you know and learn about yourself the easier it will be come to understand you and be the best you that exist. It is exciting to be alive and find love in everything around us.  Loose the fear and ignorance and gain the love.


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