
Midday Miracle Wine

Image follow de leader - the soca boys Its Hump day make it wort something !!! “Don’t just spin the wheel, break it” downtown Port of Spain Trinidad

Miracle Photo Shoot

My Backyard is Chernobyl Click the link below for a visual journey..... Hello my Miraculous souls... This is one of my creative photography albums.  Did this album one day while walking my dog in the woods.. Let me know What you think of the images.. i LOVE feedback!

Hillsong - You Are My Strength by  Stotic Nesara google this word and its a real word... . “NO more floccinaucinihilipilification”

Miracle Thought for ya belly vs your thoughts.

Aunty Jang's Pholourie I always love meh some good Trini Pholourie.  It tasty, filling, and inexpensive.  Make sure ya get some tamarind sauce to dip em in... mmm mmmm, yummy man!!!

Word of Honor

When do you take someone’s remarks as the fact?  Is there a sure way to know the difference between a lie and the truth? How accurately have you been able to decipher if someone is being honest or telling a tall story or are you just simply gullible?   I personally have a tendency to be naïve accepting a person’s words as truthful, only later after the damage has occurred to my heart and mind, does the reality reveal itself.  This can be hurtful.  It can be misleading and confusing.  It can also be a lesson learned. When we knowingly make false statements, what can be the result of it? Have you ever thought of what you utter and how deep your expressions can actually move? Words are spoken in moments of intense emotions, when someone is under the influence of a substance or even in order to gain power and just words they can be.  It is for the recipient to understand its value and reliability or not.  This is an immeasurable task.  Something I have not met a master of thus far.  I

Why Pray?

Do you pray?  How often do you pray?  Who do you pray to?  What do you pray for?  Do you need a reason to pray or do you just pray about anything?  What does prayer mean to you?  How important do you think it is to pray?  How do you feel about others who may not pray?  My understanding of prayer is it’s an act of communication with one who we regard to be a higher power.  Prayer is an act of worship and commitment to who I call God.  My prays are rooted in hope as well as respect for the power of belief and faith in Jesus.  I use learned addresses thought to me from the church and sometimes speak from my heart as I would to my family.  Prayer creates a fabric of strength, one not easily tattered or damaged.  I have come to realize that prayers can also be intentions, not just words or ceremonies repeated in a cycle. Prayer means asking the Universe for greatness to be returned.  Whatever name you give it, use it for good and positivism in your life and those who you interact wi

Miracle Money

Throughout the United States, people unfamiliar with our financial marketplace are more likely to fall prey to  frauds and schemes . Low English literacy can make it even harder to manage money safely and effectively on a day-to-day basis. To help, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) developed a series of guides that provide information about various money matters. The following are among the topics the guides cover: How to receive wages and payment for working How to open a bank account How to pay bills How to shop for a mortgage How to select financial services and products Information on how to submit a complaint about a problem with a financial product or service Read and share the Newcomer’s Guides to Managing Money ; also available in Chinese, French, Haitian-Creole, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese. You can also order hard copies directly from the page below.

Opinion Based

Facts before fiction are one of my personal themes that I try to live by.  Facts can be proven to be truth. Facts don’t change; they remain consistent and are information based on real occurrences.  Many times we form or create facts in our lives about situations or about others based on our individual perceptions and opinions.  Is this an intelligent thing to do?  I have witnessed others develop an entire scenario about something or someone based on their own perception and opinions then turn out to be completely inaccurate about what they deemed fact.  Why do we do that?  Why don’t we realize that our opinions are valuable and useful but it’s clever to base opinions on facts and not facts on opinions?  Leave the door open for inaccuracies.