Word of Honor

When do you take someone’s remarks as the fact?  Is there a sure way to know the difference between a lie and the truth? How accurately have you been able to decipher if someone is being honest or telling a tall story or are you just simply gullible?   I personally have a tendency to be naïve accepting a person’s words as truthful, only later after the damage has occurred to my heart and mind, does the reality reveal itself.  This can be hurtful.  It can be misleading and confusing.  It can also be a lesson learned. When we knowingly make false statements, what can be the result of it? Have you ever thought of what you utter and how deep your expressions can actually move? Words are spoken in moments of intense emotions, when someone is under the influence of a substance or even in order to gain power and just words they can be.  It is for the recipient to understand its value and reliability or not.  This is an immeasurable task.  Something I have not met a master of thus far.  I use my conscience and the strong aspiration to uphold my reputation to keep me to my word.  What is your method?  I struggle to be honest and accepting of those whom unknowingly chatter lies, but my motto has always been Say what you mean, and Mean what you Say.  Save us all the trouble.


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