Why Pray?

Do you pray?  How often do you pray?  Who do you pray to?  What do you pray for?  Do you need a reason to pray or do you just pray about anything?  What does prayer mean to you?  How important do you think it is to pray?  How do you feel about others who may not pray?  My understanding of prayer is it’s an act of communication with one who we regard to be a higher power.  Prayer is an act of worship and commitment to who I call God.  My prays are rooted in hope as well as respect for the power of belief and faith in Jesus.  I use learned addresses thought to me from the church and sometimes speak from my heart as I would to my family.  Prayer creates a fabric of strength, one not easily tattered or damaged.  I have come to realize that prayers can also be intentions, not just words or ceremonies repeated in a cycle. Prayer means asking the Universe for greatness to be returned.  Whatever name you give it, use it for good and positivism in your life and those who you interact with. What goes around comes around.


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