Flowers in The Attic

Ya know it's a precious thing to witness and even better to play an interacting role with another that just has that natural good-natured energy.  They come breezing through like a spring gust filled with aromas of lasting fragrances. You may at times spot them as they walk in your direction and you can identify them due to an elaborate smile on their face or the strong pep in their step. You may hear them in a crowd speaking, the only person that makes a statement out loud which wakes others up that are close enough to hear. Then an inevitable momentum breeds and treks along with those on similar energy wavelengths. It spreads like a domino effect. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do you know? Are they you, or me, or us?

It's not about a stunning look or a captivating beauty. No, no, no this is way deeper than such trivial identifiers. This person has a vibration that actually makes you feel something real inside. They tap into our spiritual being so eloquently and with no harmful purpose as if they had a master key to all our lives, opening the barbed wire gate to yours. Then they leave only in the physical presence as informal as they happened across you, to begin with. In abundant grace and charm because they have perpetuated your internal energy to a less complicated place. You most likely became aware while their work occurred which allowed you to distinguish it. However, there was no posed aim on you. They had no master plan but to be as random as good luck, and so they came your way.

You may smile for a short while when they're gone, pondering the interaction or maybe it set forth inspiration in you to write a story, sing a song, hell maybe even become generous at that moment to another after the experience was completed. The higher point is that the product of that exchange helped emphasize you're being alive. Hopefully reminding you that love and kindness are never weaknesses and that amongst all the bitter stone hatred in this cold harsh world, there still grow flowers in the attic. Every new day is a next opportunity to cultivate your own flowers and join in the joy.

It's not a fluke, they are meant to be that way. Existing with the dust, grunge and stagnate air, where they survive and flourish in all their core glory. Against some of the vilest odds, why? because they are built for that and are delivered to us for this purpose. To show us a path outside of our own, that hid in the darkness preceding our encounter. Take the ride with them in spirit. Let them uplift you for the moment. Release any fear or negative objectivity you may hold onto. I promise what transpires will linger pleasantly with you forever. 


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