
Towering pillars built on strength and peace, Extending into the heavens of celestial interaction, each one absolutely beautiful and unique with carvings of gold and ivory. 

They are supported by our most vulnerable and innocent like a blanket of exquisite armor. Energizing and injecting the Aurora of purity and love to all who are seated amongst them. 

 Whoever could have predicted this? There was no reason to. It was predestined. Beginning as a pebble rolling a long time ago evolving into a boulder. Not a thing could or would deter it. Only its task was important.  It was fixed on delivering its message on this date and this time in this space. 

The passage it created will exist for eternity.  As we gather together in this complete holy space, we confide in our personal truths about what happened and how we will proceed from this point. Sharing our intertwined experiences is building a colorful theme of appreciation, respect, and love. 

 Breathe the air. It is potent with the particles of rebirth and salvation. Changes you in an instant. Is it possible to find the fountain of youth? Maybe in someone's reality, I believe I have found it. It has been reignited in me thanks to my own individual participation.


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