Death Becomes Us

To speak of death as difficult as it may be is to speak of life, for there could be no death without first life.  Many are understandably afraid or reluctant to utter words like dying, gone, loss, DEATH. Or to have the discussion surrounding what death means to each of us on a personal level for a gambit of reasons.

Is it possible to be able to engage in the important dialogue amongst one another regarding such a sensitive subject in a peaceful and constructive manner? Let’s think about that for a minute and why we may find difficulty. It’s probably because death is such a final situation engrossed with many unknown levels. We lack the complete understanding of this state in our own personal perspective and no living person can truly and factually state what happens in death.

This feeling of uncertainty is one of the primary reasons we develop some fear of it. Death brings about changes that cannot be undone, and for most, ignorance is bliss until the day we must face it. Usually, we wait until it is upon us and now coupled with grief, dealing with death can be a tremendous obstacle for many.

Should we be afraid of death?  Maybe to recognize that there is not only loss in death but also gain because we are never completely gone away forever. We live on in tall tales, our humane works, our loved ones. Knowing this truth can help reduce the lingering feeling of death being the end of it all. There is no specific correlation I could find that identified in the course of death there is a subtraction to life.

Without death there is no life and without life there is no death.  They are a ying and a yang, coexisting beautifully and inevitably together for all of time past and to come. They are one in the same never to be separated from the other. Death can wipe away our ego's misguided illusion that life here on Earth is forever. It is a concrete example about the things we need to see while we can and acknowledge this fact as early on in our lives when we begin to comprehend its meaning.

Look at it, don’t close your eyes and run to hide. See the truth in death about yourself and let it help you understand your most powerful fears. No one is too young, too bright, or too sexy to face death because facing death means you have grasped the gusto of life. You have accept a priceless experience because all life is valuable.  Every death has a significant implication on the source of life that ripples on continuously. So let’s accept this reality and make every attempt to bend our perceptions towards understanding this final human event with gratitude, grace and love.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”
Ralph Waldo Emerson


dorve said…
the subject of death is conceptual and tied to someones beliefs however for those with an interest in the topic wider research is recommended

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