Again and again

The water runs swiftly covering me within its crisp cold wetness.  Its flow washes me from the grit and dirt that has accumulated upon me from the battle field of the times. I scour the spots that have been extremely stained and seek the naked flesh that was once there, I strive for it to be fresh and new. 

I struggle in this pursuit and fall into a pool of mud. I’m covered all over once again in a split second of time all my efforts have been inverted.  I pout and grumble to myself in hopelessness.  Why did this happen and why did I waste my time?  What lesson of life this supposes to be?  I feel alone in this process.  

Why not remain dirty, soiled permanently?  Does it make any sense to even try to wash it away? Take the easy road i try to convince myself. I stumble away from the flow of fluid and find a soft patch to rest in my grime. Inadvertently I enter a world of fantasy created by my subliminal. I go through a succession of experiences so powerful and immense.

What is this? My lids lift and I see it one hundred and eleven. Are you speaking to me again?  Right at this moment? I shed a tear as the emotions evaporate into awareness. Forgive yourself for being human, the message is clear as day. Forgive those who have brought you this familiar pain. I move in action and wash my slate clean effortlessly. I begin again and I’m doing it again. Here we go.   

R Kelly Genius, link below
slow jam


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