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Can You Have Too Much Anal Sex? You Need to Be Mindful of The Back Door

By  Sarah Hosseini July 13, 2017 If you do a quick search online about anal sex, it boils down to one basic concern: can anal sex screw up your, well, anus? People are curious about how anal sex can impact their pooping habits and ability to "hold it." For those who are tapping the back door or are thinking about it, you've undoubtedly asked the same question. The other popular anal inquiry must do with frequency: can you have too much anal sex? It turns out the answer to both isn't exactly cut and dry. "As long as it doesn't hurt, you can do as much anal as you like," Stacy Rybchin, founder, and CEO of My Secret Soiree and My Secret Luxury, tells Romper. "Just remember to use lots of personal lubricants, take it slow, and communicate with your partner." The lube portion can't be stressed enough.  According to Web MD, an anus lacks natural lubrication that is present in a vagina. As explained in the post, tearing is probably i

The Philosophy Behind the Chakras

By   Michelle Fondin You are sitting in yoga class when you hear your instructor say, “Sit tall with all of your chakras aligned,” and you wonder,  What in the world is she talking about? You’ve heard the word  chakra  before but the concept can be difficult to grasp. And instead of asking and being embarrassed, you pretend to know what she means. To shed some light on the situation, let’s explore a brief but detailed explanation of a chakra. Chakras, Elements, and the Subtle Body Chakras are energy centers within the body. The word chakra means “wheel” or “disk.” Think of the chakras as spinning vortices of energy.  Everything is composed of energy and information. Every object emanates from movement and vibration. The seven main chakras align along the spine, starting at the base of the spine and moving up to the crown of the head. (You can discover more about each of the seven chakras in detail in my previously written  chakra series .) Elements In the anc

Flowers in The Attic

Ya know it's a precious thing to witness and even better to play an interacting role with another that just has that natural good-natured energy.  They come breezing through like a spring gust filled with aromas of lasting fragrances. You may at times spot them as they walk in your direction and you can identify them due to an elaborate smile on their face or the strong pep in their step. You may hear them in a crowd speaking, the only person that makes a statement out loud which wakes others up that are close enough to hear. Then an inevitable momentum breeds and treks along with those on similar energy wavelengths. It spreads like a domino effect. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do you know? Are they you, or me, or us? It's not about a stunning look or a captivating beauty. No, no, no this is way deeper than such trivial identifiers. This person has a vibration that actually makes you feel something real inside. They tap into our spiritual being so eloquently and

MMM Growing Up Post

    LOL, OMG, SMH, ROTF, TTYL etc.  Just as the few  "acronyms" I listed, and the consistent usage of emoticons, our world has now evolved to include a daily dose of social media.  For those Millennials who grew up in this atmosphere and no nothing other, this is the "norm". However for my generation "X" and all prior we lived through the evolution of social media and the post it above is now what we all do!!! We saw it coming, and some of us did not. Hahahaa, What do you think?

MMM Miracle of Employment

DCAS EXAM SCHEDULE – MARCH 2017 The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) is accepting applications for the following civil service exams. So don't delay, apply today!  OPEN COMPETITIVE – Exams Open to the Public TITLE OF EXAM EXAM NO. APPLICATION PERIOD APPLICATION FEE HOW TO APPLY FIRE ALARM DISPATCHER 7022 CANCELED FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTOR 7023 03/01/17 –  03/21/17 $54.00 Online (Open to the Public) URBAN PARK RANGER 7043 POSTPONED QUALIFYING INCUMBENT EXAMINATION (QIE) – Exams for City Employees Only TITLE OF EXAM EXAM NO. APPLICATION PERIOD APPLICATION FEE HOW TO APPLY ADMINISTRATIVE DEPUTY REGISTER 7220 03/01/17 –  03/14/17 $68.00 Online (for City Employees Only) ASSOCIATE OPERATIONS COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST 7221 03/01/17 –  03/14/17 $61.00 Online (for City Employees Only) CHIEF OF HOUSING COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 7222 03/01/17 –  03/14/17 $68.00 Online (for City Employees

Sensible Tips for A Long Quality Life

We all want to live as long as possible, but the quality of life is just as important as length. From stress management to having dietary discipline, there are many ways in which you can prolong your life. Take a look at these top ten ways that will help ensure your well-being as you age. Try and internalize each area and apply it into your day-to-day life, ensuring you restore a healthy and balanced lifestyle along with having a smile on your face every day. 1. Be Wary of Stress Stress can be a killer, leading to heart disease and inflammation in the body which can cause a range of health problems including asthma; diabetes; and depression. There are ways to tackle the stress, however, so take practical action as soon as you recognize your  stress triggers . 2. Eat Well When we are younger, it’s possible to get away with an unhealthy diet but as we age, bad food choices take their toll. It’s easy to ensure you are eating well – just stick to foods which are unprocessed. Yo

Does Applying for Credit Cards Hurt Your Credit?

February 2, 2017 by  The Experian Team Do credit card inquiries hurt you long-term?  If I apply for credit and am denied, how many points will my score drop? signed  PYL Dear PYL, It’s true that inquiries can have an effect on your credit scores, but in most cases the effect of applying for credit cards is minimal, and any effect they do have is temporary. An inquiry is simply a record that your credit report has been accessed. Your credit report will show an inquiry when you apply for credit after the lender reviews your report. Experian will not know whether you are approved or declined, so being denied credit will not affect your credit scores. Types of Inquiries on a Credit Report There are two types of  credit inquiries  you may see on your credit report: inquiries that only appear to you, and inquiries seen by lenders and others checking your credit report. Stay Up-to-Date Information in your Credit Report is frequently being added, updated or

Body Language Tricks That Make You Instantly Likable

COMMUNICATION SKILL  BY MENTOR PALOKAJ You send people signals all day, without paying attention to them. The way you move your eyes, the way you shake a hand and so on. There are things you can do to send subconscious signals using body language that make people like you better, or at least give you the benefit of the doubt. Whenever I discuss techniques like these there are always one or two people who feel uncomfortable with ‘influencing’ someone with psychological tricks. Manipulation is not negative Influencing is changing someone’s behavior or mind Manipulation is intentionally influencing When you hear the word manipulation, you may immediately think of negative things. Please don’t. Manipulation is not bad. People with bad intentions are bad. Example 1: Manipulative sneaky person Bad people are bad. Bad people who manipulate are problematic. An example of this: Mean Girl wants to reduce the social standing of Sweet Classmate She