
7 Reasons Why People Who Enjoy The Rain Are Happier In Life

Are you someone who rejoices when raindrops start to fall from the sky? Does a rainy-day forecast conjure delightful images of curling up in a cozy blanket with a hot beverage and a good book? If so, you are a part of a special tribe of people known as pluviophiles. By definition, pluviophiles are people who  love  the rain. You are probably used to listening to others whine endlessly about being wet and cold. Meanwhile, you fantasize about those delicious drops and wonder how someone could hate this gloriously gloomy day. If you’re a pluviophile, not only are you joyful when it rains, the chances are that you’re a more pleasant person the rest of the time as well. Here are seven reasons why people who enjoy the rain are happier in life: 1. They tune into their senses to more fully experience life People who love rain bask in their experiences. They can describe the rain in vivid detail, from the mesmerizing pitter-patter sound, to the hypnotic way each drop magnifies and ch
Downtown Narobi Kenya Africa “Every failure is closer to a success!”

Affection is Essential

In all of our relationships, we need not only to give affection but to have that affection mirrored back to us. It strengthens us to know that other beings enjoy us and appreciates what we provide. Why do we crave affection so greatly? Are we simply needy creatures? Is it that we cannot be strong without the warmth of another? YES ! Humans need and crave affection to sustain happy progressive lives. From a tiny new born baby it is an essential part of effective socialization. So a dog wagging his tail and licking your face or a purring cat rubbing against your leg helps to close the relationship gap for us in a very profound, nurturing way. Cultivate these actions into your lifestyle. Welcome them and utilize it to spread to strength of love. Give and ye shall receive! CLICK LINK BELOW Love Song....Sara Bareilles

MMM Recipe today Nigella Lawson's recipe for Sweet potato mac and cheese

Ingredients 1 pound sweet potatoes 10 ounces (approximately 2 cups) pennette or other small short pasta 4 tablespoons soft unsalted butter 3 tablespoons plain flour 2 cupsfull-fat milk 1 teaspoon English mustard 1/4 teaspoon paprika, plus 1/4 teaspoon to sprinkle on top 3 ounces (approximately 3/4 cup crumbled) feta cheese 1 1/4 mature Cheddar, grated, plus 1/4 to sprinkle on top 4 fresh sage leaves salt and pepper to taste Preparation Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Put on a large-ish pan of water to boil, with the lid on to make it come to the boil faster. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them roughly into 1-inch pieces. When the water's boiling, add salt to taste, and then the sweet potato pieces, and cook them for about 10 minutes or until they are soft. Scoop them out of the water into a bowl—using a "spider" or slotted spoon—and lightly mash with a fork, without turning them into a purée. Don't get rid of this water, as you will need it to cook yo

MMM Holiday post about DIWALI

Diwali  (or Deepavali, the " festival of lights ") is an ancient  Hindu festival  celebrated in autumn (northern hemisphere) or Spring (southern hemisphere) every year. [3] [4]  Diwali is one of the largest and brightest festivals in India. The festival spiritually signifies the victory of good over evil. [5] [6] [7]  The preparations and rituals typically extend over a five-day period, but the main festival night of Diwali coincides with the darkest, new moon night of the Hindu Lunisolar month  Kartika . In the  Gregorian calendar , Diwali falls between mid-October and mid-November. Before Diwali night, people clean, renovate, and decorate their homes and offices. [8]  On Diwali night, Hindus dress up in new clothes or their best outfit, light up  diyas  (lamps and candles) inside and outside their home, participate in family  puja  (prayers) typically to Lakshmi  – the goddess of wealth and prosperity. After  puja , fireworks follow, [9]  then a family feast including  m

Failure: Is It Necessary for Success?

In a society that places a high value on competition and winning, everyone wants to succeed. It becomes difficult to discuss failure, which somehow translates into personal weakness, lack, or vulnerability. I’d like to reframe the whole relationship between success and failure so that both become part of a single process: your personal evolution. As you evolve and grow, certain conditions appear on the path, and as they do, some people feel a sense of failure, while other people don’t. Yet in both cases, the same situation has occurred: An obstacle or resistance is blocking the way forward. A fear of inadequacy has undermined one’s confidence. An outcome expected to be positive turns negative instead. Support from people you counted on isn’t there anymore. A manageable task starts to become overwhelming and unmanageable. The work environment and/or key relationships become hostile. Evolution never requires failure. Such situations are part of everyone’s life. What actually

Again and again

The water runs swiftly covering me within its crisp cold wetness.  Its flow washes me from the grit and dirt that has accumulated upon me from the battle field of the times. I scour the spots that have been extremely stained and seek the naked flesh that was once there, I strive for it to be fresh and new.  I struggle in this pursuit and fall into a pool of mud. I’m covered all over once again in a split second of time all my efforts have been inverted.  I pout and grumble to myself in hopelessness.  Why did this happen and why did I waste my time?  What lesson of life this supposes to be?  I feel alone in this process.   Why not remain dirty, soiled permanently?  Does it make any sense to even try to wash it away? Take the easy road i try to convince myself. I stumble away from the flow of fluid and find a soft patch to rest in my grime. Inadvertently I enter a world of fantasy created by my subliminal. I go through a succession of experiences so powerful and immense.

6 Ways to Process the Experience of Life

by: Leo Carver The world is a great big buffet of experience. Through the perspective of Ayurvedic philosophy, this statement couldn’t be truer. While mainstream society does place importance on dietary choices, very few people pay attention to what else they put into their bodies, especially the sensory intake of their lives. You can achieve and maintain good health by making conscious choices. But what about factors that seem to be out of your control such as the environment you live in? Media, noise pollution, public chatter, and advertising all appear to be involuntary aspects of our daily experiences. What can you do about degrading ads that appear in your favorite magazine, or the provocative lyrics of a song blasting from a nearby car in traffic? How do you remain centered as you eat your lunch while listening to a nearby group of people who offend every ounce of Zen in your body? Where is the choice in dealing with others and the sometimes offensive nature of the w