
Showing posts from January, 2017

Body Language Tricks That Make You Instantly Likable

COMMUNICATION SKILL  BY MENTOR PALOKAJ You send people signals all day, without paying attention to them. The way you move your eyes, the way you shake a hand and so on. There are things you can do to send subconscious signals using body language that make people like you better, or at least give you the benefit of the doubt. Whenever I discuss techniques like these there are always one or two people who feel uncomfortable with ‘influencing’ someone with psychological tricks. Manipulation is not negative Influencing is changing someone’s behavior or mind Manipulation is intentionally influencing When you hear the word manipulation, you may immediately think of negative things. Please don’t. Manipulation is not bad. People with bad intentions are bad. Example 1: Manipulative sneaky person Bad people are bad. Bad people who manipulate are problematic. An example of this: Mean Girl wants to reduce the social standing of Sweet Classmate She

Miracle of Employment

DCAS EXAM SCHEDULE – JANUARY 2017 The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) is accepting applications for the following civil service exams. So don't delay, apply today!  OPEN COMPETITIVE – Exams Open to the Public TITLE OF EXAM EXAM NO. APPLICATION PERIOD APPLICATION FEE HOW TO APPLY CASEWORKER (NYC HEALTH+HOSPITALS) 7017 01/04/17 –  01/24/17 $54.00 Online (Open to the Public) CHEMICAL ENGINEER 7039 01/04/17 –  01/31/17 $82.00 Online (Open to the Public) CIVIL ENGINEER 7037 01/04/17 –  01/31/17 $82.00 Online (Open to the Public) ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 7040 01/04/17 –  01/31/17 $82.00 Online (Open to the Public) ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER 7036 01/04/17 –  01/31/17 $82.00 Online (Open to the Public) MECHANICAL ENGINEER 7038 01/04/17 –  01/31/17 $82.00 Online (Open to the Public) PROCUREMENT ANALYST 7019 01/04/17 –  01/24/17 $54.00 Online (Open to the Public) PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE