
Showing posts from July, 2015

Miracle Money

Throughout the United States, people unfamiliar with our financial marketplace are more likely to fall prey to  frauds and schemes . Low English literacy can make it even harder to manage money safely and effectively on a day-to-day basis. To help, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) developed a series of guides that provide information about various money matters. The following are among the topics the guides cover: How to receive wages and payment for working How to open a bank account How to pay bills How to shop for a mortgage How to select financial services and products Information on how to submit a complaint about a problem with a financial product or service Read and share the Newcomer’s Guides to Managing Money ; also available in Chinese, French, Haitian-Creole, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese. You can also order hard copies directly from the page below.

Opinion Based

Facts before fiction are one of my personal themes that I try to live by.  Facts can be proven to be truth. Facts don’t change; they remain consistent and are information based on real occurrences.  Many times we form or create facts in our lives about situations or about others based on our individual perceptions and opinions.  Is this an intelligent thing to do?  I have witnessed others develop an entire scenario about something or someone based on their own perception and opinions then turn out to be completely inaccurate about what they deemed fact.  Why do we do that?  Why don’t we realize that our opinions are valuable and useful but it’s clever to base opinions on facts and not facts on opinions?  Leave the door open for inaccuracies.

MMM picture of the Moment


Man of your word.

Say what you mean and mean what you say, A simple statement that has a much deeper meaning to it. People who are truthful clear the air. They bring loving correction and clarity to behavior and situations. Upholding your word honors the power of the covenant that is key to understanding God and man. In our history of faith, we look for those who were true to their commitments. When our actions match our words we become more credible, trustworthy and believable to those around us. Many of us blurt out statements and our actions don’t follow what we’ve said. People remember especially children. When we do this consistently we undermine our integrity as a person. Are you someone who often says one thing and does another or does nothing at all? How does it affect your relationships? What does it create in your environment? Chaos or simplicity?

Myths about smoking Marijuana

I, RONNY CARRINGTON AM PERSONALLY NOT A WEED,  MARIJUANA , BUD SMOKER .I HAVE PUFFED IT HERE AND THERE.  I JUST FOUND THIS ARTICLE AND TO MY  SURPRISE  IT HAS BUSTED SOME OF MY OWN MYTHS ABOUT THOSE WHO ARE..... READ AND ENJOY THE MIRACLE OF INFORMATION. This corroborates a  2003 report in the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society  published by Cambridge University staking the same claim. Good news for tokers. Bad news for PSA makers.    33 MYTHS ABOUT MARIJUANA YOU NEED TO STOP BELIEVING IMMEDIATELY BY   WIL FULTON ·           SHAREON FACEBOOK Out of all the drugs out there—legal and otherwise—weed can be singled out as the most misunderstood. Just think of all the rumors you've heard, from the abstinence-peddlers at D.A.R.E. class (more on them later) to your best friend's sister's ex-boyfriend who totally knew a guy that was related to the kid who overdosed on weed after sticking his head inside a jumbo-sized bong. Because cann

8 Ways Emotionally Intelligent People Deal With Toxic People

Toxic people poison those around them, and gain satisfaction from creating disorganization and a stressful atmosphere. BY DREW HENDRICKS Contributor, @ DrewAHendricks Life is stressful enough for most of us. Allowing a  toxic individual  to ravage your immediate environment can cause havoc in your mental well-being, which can lead to physical challenges. A bad state of mind not only affects your physical well-being but makes it difficult for you to respond calmly under pressure. Ninety percent of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions , so your ability to perform effectively can be affected if you do not adopt strategies that will allow you to deal with toxic people. 1. Successful People Establish Boundaries There is a fine line between being friendly and allowing somebody to lead you down a path that jeopardizes your  ability to remain effective . Successful people understand this and do not allow the toxic among them to take charge, b