

What if I had all the answers? What if I always knew what to say before I speak? What does it mean to reach your peak? What would it means not to be loved? What does it mean to put my faith in God above? What would I do without patience? What is my favorite fragrance? What is the value to have a plan? What are the benefits to be part of a clan? What if we were all the same? What will be fun playing the game? I know, no I don’t. Yes I do, I think I do, I feel I do, but if I told you I probably would get sued. What???

Iconic Love Song

CLICK LINK BELOW Michael Jackson's Pretty Young Thing sang by Tori Kelly

MMM Picture of the Moment


MMM Picture of the Moment

I saw this on my way to work this morning, and I knew it was meant for me to see it. It came into sight so naturally and spoke to me so deeply all at once that i had to capture it and share it with you... Maybe someone else will get what they need from it.  thank you Sylvia Plath...

Conscious Assessments Five

Be Willing to Shine Through the power of the creator in you,and your ability to create, you are capable of greatness!!! It isn't arrogant to recognize it--it will bring you humility. We all need to learn how to own the power placed in us. When we take ownership watch out, You haven't seen anything yet! Present Yourself There may be more to your presentation than you think. Do you choose your words and actions wisely? It's time to take responsibility for what you say and how you say it. If you make a mistake own it, learn from it, and share it with others. No More Lack What do you need? If you are lacking anything, you might find that what you lack is closer to your reality than you think.  Don't take it away before it reveals itself to you. Everything is not miles away. Miracles  in action... Click Purple Link below for a amazing true story.

Eminence Music with Power.... Check it out!

Conscious Assessments Four

Kindness Whoever is around you deserves your committed kindness. If you want more tenderness and mercy from the universe, show it to other people and it shall be shown to you. What you give will not only help them, it will also have lifelong benefits for you.  This is a factor of what we give is what we receive, what we put out comes back to us.  Make it work in your life because it’s not that difficult to do. Spend Time with Others Life is going so fast, especially these days, you might not realize the things you think are unimportant in life are often the most important. People need your time---you will pay for it emotionally if you forget to learn this lesson. You gain unthinkable experiences being with everyone that is put before you. Realize how precious those moments are and make the most of them as much times as you can. Physics and Your Spiritual Life According to quantum physics, the greater the weight, the less the sphere of influence. When there's too

Conscious Assessments Three

Show Mercy Whenever you're about to judge anyone for anything, ask yourself if you've done anything similar or even worse. When you decide not to judge someone, it doesn't mean you don't hold the person accountable. Hold people accountable for their actions so they can open their hearts and hear what you have to say. As you grow in your capacity to not be judgmental, you'll be able to reach people's souls and room for acceptance of others increases. Earthly Possessions You do not benefit from being attached to your possessions. Material things have no spiritual value. Enjoy having material things.  Use them to teach and learn while you are here in your physical state. Take the energy you give to your attachments and redirect it into growing your spiritual self. The Universe Has Eyes Is there anything you can get away with? Your fearful, jealous, greedy or attacking thoughts are seen by the universe. It's not just what you do but what y