
City of Portland Oregon USA “Fresh and clean begins with you”

Confidence is Sexy

When you are confident about yourself, the arrogance of other people won't bother you a bit. So in any competition, just have faith in yourself and you'll be fine. Sure, there could be some trash talkers trying to psych you out or make you insecure by bragging about their own accomplishments or going on and on about whom they know. It's all hot air, and you know it. So just smile and be amused by the fact that you make them shake in their shoes! Never let “em” see you sweat!

MMM Miracle of Employment

DCAS EXAM SCHEDULE – MARCH 2016 The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) is accepting applications for the following civil service exams. So don't delay, apply today!  TITLE OF EXAM EXAM NO. FILING PERIOD FILING FEE HOW TO APPLY OPEN COMPETITIVE – Exams Open to the Public ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEER 6045 03/02/16 – 03/22/16 $68.00 Online (Open to the Public) COMPUTER PROGRAMMER ANALYST 6046 POSTPONED FRAUD INVESTIGATOR 6044 03/02/16 – 03/22/16 $54.00 Online (Open to the Public) HEALTH SERVICES MANAGER 6047 POSTPONED PROMOTION – Exams for City Employees Only ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEER (PROM) 6526 03/02/16 – 03/22/16 $68.00 Online (for City Employees Only) ASSOCIATE FRAUD INVESTIGATOR (PROM) 6527 03/02/16 – 03/22/16 $68.00 Online (for City Employees Only) ASSOCIATE INSPECTOR (CONSTRUCTION) (PROM) 6528 POSTPONED ASSOCIATE INSPECTOR (ELECTRICAL) (PROM) 6529 03/02/16 – 03/22/16 $68.00

MMM Growing up Post It.

The inevitable truth.  It is extremely hard to make progress in life and all that was when you were a kid remains the same when you actually become an adult. I think this is a positive experience although may come with a tinge of bitterness at the lost of fun carefree times.  However we can all share stories that relate to this post it of life.

6 Big Texting Mistakes You Need to Stop Making Right Now

BY  NEMANJA MANOJLOVIC Actual phone calls are being made less and less with every day, and mostly in cases where there is a truly intimate connection or an emergency. Instead,  texting has taken over . Everyone, from young to old, is using texting as their main means of communication, whether it is via SMS, Facebook or Whatsapp, using either their phones or a version of the app on their computer. Even though it is a cool and easy way to reach someone, people still have problems grasping the unwritten rules and manners of texting. The worst thing about this is that they do not see what they are doing wrong. So, in order to help you become better at texting and improve your social life, let’s look at some of the biggest mistakes you might be making, and how to avoid them. 1. Waiting for too long between texts Be a good person and respond swiftly. Someone actually took time to write you a text, so be a sport and respond to it. But,  what is the appropriate response time ?

US Supreme Court Vacancy part 2

What President Obama is looking for in a Supreme Court nominee: With the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, the President now has a duty to nominate someone to sit on the bench of our nation's highest court. Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution makes that responsibility clear. It's a responsibility President Obama takes seriously -- and one he hopes the Senate will take seriously, too. This week, in   a guest post for SCOTUSblog , the President offered some insight into what he's looking for in a Supreme Court nominee. Here's what he had to say: The Constitution vests in the President the power to appoint judges to the Supreme Court. It’s a duty that I take seriously, and one that I will fulfill in the weeks ahead. It’s also one of the most important decisions that a President will make. Rulings handed down by the Supreme Court directly affect our economy, our security, our rights, and our daily lives. Needless to say, this isn’t something I t

US Supreme Court Vacancy

What you need to know about the Supreme Court vacancy: With the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, there is now a vacancy that must be filled on the Supreme Court -- and President Obama has a Constitutional responsibility to nominate someone to take his place. The Supreme Court is a vital institution of American democracy and, since the founding of our country, the President of the United States has had the responsibility to appoint a Justice to the Supreme Court every time -- and any time -- there is a vacancy on the bench. It then falls to the United States Senate to confirm that nominee before he or she can take her seat on our nation's highest court. As President Obama said, "The Constitution is pretty clear about what's supposed to happen now." Watch his remarks: The confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice is a solemn responsibility that the President and the Senate share under the U.S. Constitution. It is not a political opportunity that reflects

If There’s A Constant Joker Around You, Never Let Him/Her Go

BY  AMY JOHNSON Do you have a friend who is always cracking jokes and making everyone laugh? Do you love to spend time with them because they always make you feel happy? If this is you, then you are a very lucky person. Constant jokers are often seen as the clown of the group, who is always laughing and joking. Some people might think they don’t have much depth, but often the funny friends are the wisest. They focus on making the people around them happy, and digging out the funniest parts in daily life. It is reassuring to know that whatever is going on in your life, your friend will always make laughing easy. They deserve your appreciation and thanks – it is important to acknowledge the wonderful people who make you smile. Here are 8 things that you should thank the constant joker in your group for. 1. The joker will make you smile every day Every time you see the constant joker you laugh. They always know exactly what to say to make you smile, and every conve