
Showing posts from August, 2018

Can You Have Too Much Anal Sex? You Need to Be Mindful of The Back Door

By  Sarah Hosseini July 13, 2017 If you do a quick search online about anal sex, it boils down to one basic concern: can anal sex screw up your, well, anus? People are curious about how anal sex can impact their pooping habits and ability to "hold it." For those who are tapping the back door or are thinking about it, you've undoubtedly asked the same question. The other popular anal inquiry must do with frequency: can you have too much anal sex? It turns out the answer to both isn't exactly cut and dry. "As long as it doesn't hurt, you can do as much anal as you like," Stacy Rybchin, founder, and CEO of My Secret Soiree and My Secret Luxury, tells Romper. "Just remember to use lots of personal lubricants, take it slow, and communicate with your partner." The lube portion can't be stressed enough.  According to Web MD, an anus lacks natural lubrication that is present in a vagina. As explained in the post, tearing is probably i